What's The Harm In Electronics During School? | Teen Ink

What's The Harm In Electronics During School?

May 28, 2009
By BubbiG GOLD, Columbia, Maryland
BubbiG GOLD, Columbia, Maryland
14 articles 4 photos 11 comments

Favorite Quote:

Lisa Left-eye Lopes

Why is it a rule that students are not allowed to listen to their I pods and use their cell phones in school? What if these electronic devices are for a good cause? Here’s a better question, why can’t we use electronics at certain times during school? It’s slightly unfair and I want to address this issue. I believe that the “No electronic devices including cell phones and I pods will be stored out of sight at the start of period one,” policy in Howard County public school system is inappropriate and on the behave of other students we believe it’s an unfair rule. In my opinion cell phones and I pods shall be used in case of an emergency, calculator and for organizing. I pods shall be used during free time and music helps with concentration. Electronics should be allowed because of emergencies, organization, concentration and for educational purposes.

First Electronics could help in an emergency! Now I understand that emergency cards are provided for the authority to call in case of a real emergency, but that is depending on the situation! Emergency cards are used if a student passed out, having an asthma attack or even a seizure. Now an emergency card does not always work. what if the authorities cannot reach anybody on the emergency card? What happens to that student? Now if the child is really sick, having an allergy attack or even injuries; if this student is capable to do so than that student should be allowed to use his or her cell phone. Now I did an interview and I asked an adult “Do you think that electronics should be allowed during school?” The Adult responded “Yes at certain times though, not during class.” I also did an observation this was during 4th period! I observed a young lady, who was not feeling well, texting her dad because the teacher wouldn’t send her to the nurse. In this situation I believe this was an appropriate move because the teacher would not send the young lady to the nurse to call her dad.

Next electronics can also help with concentration. I pods can be used for many different activities if necessary. I believe I pods should be used for concentration purposes like for example a computer assignment. Sites like Cognitive Tutor, HSA Practice Online Testing, and educational game sites require I pods. As long as the I pods are not distracting anybody than it shouldn’t be a problem. Authorities attempt to overreact and not see things from a child’s point of view. I interviewed a student who agreed with the adults “It’s dumb for a kid in school to listen to I pods and talk on Cell phones, it’s also a distraction.” I totally disagree with her response. I also observed during second period listening to his I pod while working on Cognitive Tutor. This student, before he listened to his I pod, was not getting his work done and he stayed on the same unit. When I pods were allowed in only that class this same student was able to complete his unit on Cognitive Tutor.

Finally electronics can be used for educational purposes. Cell phones should be allowed when the student is using his or her calculator to solve an equation. Cell phones should also be allowed when a student needs to copy down an assignment. Like an agenda book for example. Students does not always look through their agenda books, but a student is always looking through their cell phones. The student should be allowed to use their cell phones to stay organized. I pods can keep a student on track in class, but only for certain activities. Electronic devices are not just used for entertainment; they’re also used for educational purposes.

To conclude I do agree with not using electronic devices while the teacher is teaching because it does become a distraction. So why not just let students use it in the morning, during free time and in the after noon? What’s the harm in that? We’re in high school and we should be treated like mature young adults. Students can handle using electronics when they’re suppose to. Electronics should ONLY be used for educational purposes, concentration purposes, and emergency purposes. Electronics again is not only for entertainment pleasures but also for something constructive. As I said before electronics should be allowed during lunch time. Electronics are not hurting anybody, so why ban them right?


Ashley S.

The author's comments:
I will like for teens and adults to read this and give feedback. this is from a teen's point of view!

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This article has 93 comments.

cmb302 said...
on Dec. 17 2010 at 11:12 am
cmb302, Plaquemine, Louisiana
0 articles 0 photos 5 comments
i agree with everyone else on the cellphone part. We should be able to bring them to school incase of an emergency and we are not able to reach the main office for help anything can happen at school or leaving off the campus so to be safe we need cell phones. Ipods should be allowed at school because listening to music during test help relax some students and at recess they can listen until class starts again

Angel said...
on Dec. 16 2010 at 9:32 am
slowslow LOLZ

BubbiG GOLD said...
on Dec. 13 2010 at 9:11 am
BubbiG GOLD, Columbia, Maryland
14 articles 4 photos 11 comments

Favorite Quote:

Lisa Left-eye Lopes

I agree with everyone however cell phones should be allowed for emergency purposes. Ipods should only be used for maybe a test or a specific class work because some work better with music and others don't. As long as the Ipod is not loud enough to distract someone else....then it shouldn't be a problem. As far as robbery and bullying....people should hide their things in a safe place, like your backpack you carry everyday at all times or your purse. It would be not smart if you left it out in the open. I understand where Purple Starz is coming from in terms of that.

BubbiG GOLD said...
on Dec. 13 2010 at 9:07 am
BubbiG GOLD, Columbia, Maryland
14 articles 4 photos 11 comments

Favorite Quote:

Lisa Left-eye Lopes

yes i was saying use cell phones for emergency purposes and Ipods only if taking like a test or something, simply because some students focus better with music...others don't. As long as the ipod is turned down so it wouldn't distract someone else....it shouldn't be a problem.

BubbiG GOLD said...
on Dec. 13 2010 at 9:04 am
BubbiG GOLD, Columbia, Maryland
14 articles 4 photos 11 comments

Favorite Quote:

Lisa Left-eye Lopes

This is true.....but for emergency purposes cell phones should be allowed...

Purple Starz said...
on Dec. 6 2010 at 5:26 pm

sry I mean phones. : )


Purple Starz said...
on Dec. 6 2010 at 5:24 pm
Although I woudnt mind having a Ipod in school, its nice to think of others. If the music is to loud or a phoine ringes in the middle of class it grabs everybodys attention, and distracts them from their work. It also opens oppertunities for robers and cyber bullying.

hahahaha said...
on Nov. 19 2010 at 9:05 am
thats what she said

hahahaha said...
on Nov. 18 2010 at 9:18 am
I Have pudding in my toobsocks

on Nov. 3 2010 at 8:05 pm
Ariveria BRONZE, Purcellville, Virginia
1 article 0 photos 7 comments

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"The devil sold his soul to me for a hug."

Sorry, that was really long...

on Nov. 3 2010 at 8:03 pm
Ariveria BRONZE, Purcellville, Virginia
1 article 0 photos 7 comments

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"The devil sold his soul to me for a hug."

I get what you mean about not having electronics, and I agree to an extent. My county actually allows electronics in the halls and during lunch, but not in class, and I honestly agree that it's for the best. The problem is that we should be responsible about using cell phones during class, but we're not going to be. There are too many students who would take advantage of it and just do whatever they want.

And a lot of teachers will let us use cell phones if we just ask them first and explain why we need to. I even had a teacher who let me play games on an iPod Touch most of class, just because I asked her for permission, and showed that I could handle having that luxury.

Maybe it's different in your county, and the teachers all follow the rules perfectly. But... in class, it really would be a distraction for a lot of people.

iPods, maybe not quite so much, but it's not so unreasonable to forbid them in class. It's a very rational thing to do...

Unanari said...
on Sep. 22 2010 at 11:03 am
I agree with the electronics in school! It only distracts you when that's all your focused on!

on Sep. 20 2010 at 5:45 pm
Carmella_Hastings GOLD, Atlanta, Georgia
10 articles 1 photo 28 comments

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"What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us." -Walt Emerson

I see what you're saying- mostly because I'm also a teen and agree. But then again it really distracts you from learning. I hate to say it but having electronics in class would take away chances of getting a good education.