Response to Still Not Colorblind | Teen Ink

Response to Still Not Colorblind

May 14, 2009
By Shanna Helgeland SILVER, Dell Rapids, South Dakota
Shanna Helgeland SILVER, Dell Rapids, South Dakota
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I really do agree with Aaron, when it comes down to his opinion on Obama and the election. I truly do believe that Obama had been elected for his skin color, and nothing else, and anyone who opposed the Republican party, or those supporting McCain, had simply demeaned these people as racist. But I do understand that’s not always the case, granted – this just applies to the general stereotype of it all. I can’t believe that some of these anti-racist cultists can be so contradictory of themselves. If you’re going to be anti-racist, you must love everyone from whites, to blacks, Republicans to Democrats.

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