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March 27, 2019
By Aaron2005 SILVER, Brooklyn, New York
Aaron2005 SILVER, Brooklyn, New York
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

“Generation  WTH?” by Sarah Clemens is an essay that deserves an award for being very realistic. The piece is about our generation, the problems with it, and the solutions. It describes as teens as people who are doing everything to ruin life for themselves and how people who are actually scared of death become emo or dark. Clemens explains that the emo people  do not want to die but also do not know how to change the future. People just need to know that all will be okay and then they will go on to do wonderful things.

    Clemens’ writing is very down to earth and relatable. She gives a funny name to our generation ( the WTH generation) and explains that we are “ the kids that just don’t know what to do with the world given to them, the awful life crammed down their throat.” She beautifully describes the fear of death and how smokers, drinkers, and shooters deliberately rake up these activities while knowing their consequences. And this is where the emos come in. Those that are ridiculed for their fears and dark nature, leaving behind the suicidal stereotype we have come to know. But Clemens reveals that being emo is only a fear of death rather than a desire and this amazing and heartwarming message along with the unique way of writing, is what really resonated with me.

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