When You Give a Girl a Voice | Teen Ink

When You Give a Girl a Voice

January 23, 2019
By stephaniegp BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
stephaniegp BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
1 article 6 photos 0 comments

I wholeheartedly agree with Anudeepa Ramachandiran in her article, When You Give a Girl a Voice. It explains,"When she makes a difference, she'll refuse to stop." Women in the past have contributed so much to feminism, althought it is something we still fight for today. We are in constant encouragement to involve oursleves with the rest of the world. It is said power is only made when women are involved, and history as well as what happens in modern day, proves that. I cannot begin to express my gratitude for Anudeepa's poem that makes a great point. 

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