Why I Forgot How to Swallow | Teen Ink

Why I Forgot How to Swallow

January 23, 2019
By ValarieLHernandez SILVER, Phoenix, Arizona
ValarieLHernandez SILVER, Phoenix, Arizona
8 articles 12 photos 0 comments

‘Why I forgot How to Swallow’ by “Cara”, Maddison is about this girl that was born to believe that she needed to be the same as everyone else because she was not a ‘normal’ kid with normal eating habits. Medically she waa not reaching the same percentile when it came to height and weight like every other kid. After the day her doctor told her that she was in the eighth percentile for weight everything changed. It’s not that she couldn’t eat it’s the fact that people were trying to change her. She said, “ It was because I felt bombarded by pressure from everyone in my life to be something I naturally was not.” I found this article to be extremely moving because she stopped listening to what everyone else had to say and because she realized that it’s okay to be different than everyone else. Thankyou, “Cara” for being strong and sharing your story.

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