Survival of the Most Popular | Teen Ink

Survival of the Most Popular

October 2, 2018
By Geov BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
Geov BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
- Today we use our power to fell a god, and then seize our destiny!
- Open a chest, it might turn out great. Until then, it's just a crate.
- Of course. Bravery isn't about never being afraid. Bravery is being afraid and moving forward anyway.

Author Natalie T. explains in her article " Survival of the Most Popular " about how she felt when she went to a new school. She often felt like she wanted to be the popular kid at her new school and before arriving she made sure she looked as perfect as she could possibly imagine. Even when she did this she found that not a single person came up to her and she even sat alone at lunch. That is until someone saw her and motioned her to come over. She in the end realized that she didn't need to be the most popular to be happy but rather she just needed a few good friends. This caught my attention instantly realizing that I have been placed in the same position before. As a young kid I was constantly moving to different schools and wanting to be friends with everyone. I attempted to be the most popular and to draw as much attention to me in hopes that everyone would like me. The constant moving caused me to continuously seek attention due to loss of friends. Later on I realized even if people noticed me not all actually liked me and instead of seeking attention I changed my attitude. I started to focus on a few cool people and actually start forming proper relationships with them. I ended up moving again anyways but I took what I learned with me and someone became my friend. I learned the importance of having a few good friends that actually care for you. I learned that I didn't have to be the most popular kid but rather someone my friends could count on or how Natalie T. put it, that " survival is of the kindest." I am grateful to Natalie for writing this article that may help others find happiness even if they are not the most popular and to Teen Ink for publishing it, allowing many others to see it. 

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