Coping with and Addicted Parent | Teen Ink

Coping with and Addicted Parent

September 25, 2018
By Anonymous

This article has left me sad due to the thousand, millions who parents suffer from abuse of substances. All over America “25% of children grow up in households with substance abuse present.” Which in a way blows me away on how bad it really is? The reason that I was hopeful was due to no matter how bad it got for her mom. She was able to recover after failing hundreds of times over and over again the fact is that growing up with a family that does not abuse substances or parents that don’t drink. I really have never had to worry if my parents were ok to drive or if going up down if they were going to do somethings bad and having to worry about them all of the time. Because if I had to worry about them I would have no time to focus on other things like sports or school and You don’t hear about it too much Were I come from in Northwest Ohio. But it still effects people around here even she written “I wish I know what to do with my mom earlier on.” This seems to be a common theme for a lot of people that have abused substance and the family’s trying to help them.

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