Peer Pressure | Teen Ink

Peer Pressure

June 6, 2016
By Mrs.AndyBiersack_ BRONZE, San Diego, California
Mrs.AndyBiersack_ BRONZE, San Diego, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Imagine this : You are hanging out with a group of friends, then someone brings out a bottle whiskey. Everyone except you takes a sip. One of your friends tries to persuade you into taking a sip. You know the risks of drinking, but you don´t want to lose your friends, or let them think you´re lame, what do you do? My solution, say ,¨ No¨. Saying no, I think is the best way to stop peer pressure.


First, let me tell you what peer pressure is pressure is the influence from members of ones peer group , like a group of friends, or maybe family. One reason I think saying “No” is the  best way to overcome being a victim of peer pressure is because you don´t have to think about coming up with an excuse for why you can´t do something, just say ¨No!¨. Saying “No¨ will help you feel strong, another thing it can do is keep you safe.

How peer pressure keeps you safe is because for example : if you didn´t say ¨No¨ to drinking, you could become an alcoholic. If you didn´t say ¨No¨ to the cigarette, you could become a smoker at a young age. 70% of teens said that them and their friend either smoked or drank because of peer pressure (

Most people would say that peer pressure doesn´t exist and it´s just people making bad decisions. I see what they mean, but they are completely wrong. 28 percent of teens agreed that giving into peer pressure improved their social standing and almost half admitted to pick on someone after their friends picked on someone ( . Also, if people continue to give into peer pressure it may result in alcohol, teen smoking, violence, drugs and in the worst cases, involvement in unsafe sexual activity (buzzle 2010). So therefore, most bad decisions happen because of peer pressure.

In conclusion, saying ¨ No¨ is the easiest way to stop peer pressure. Saying ¨ No¨ can also keep ypu safe. Most bad decisions happen because of peer pressure. You owe it to you and your parents to keep yourself safe.

The author's comments:

This is an argument essay regarding the effects and coping with peer pressure.

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