Way to a Heathly Life | Teen Ink

Way to a Heathly Life

November 4, 2015
By Tydye BRONZE, Fort Pierce, Florida
Tydye BRONZE, Fort Pierce, Florida
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Have you ever wondered how you can live a long life?  People know the basic things like eating healthy foods but there are others.  Other methods include not eating a lot of fast foods and having an exercise routine.  If you follow those simple things, you can increase your chances of living a long healthy life and reach your weight goals.

Eating heathy food is a major part of living a healthy life.  Eating things like fruits and vegetables are good because your body gets the vitamins it needs naturally.  For example, vitamin C is good for wounds, bones and teeth.  A good source of vitamin C is yellow peppers because they give you 100g per 10 strips of peppers.  You can get a dose of vitamin E by eating mangos.  Vitamin E is needed to protect us from poisons in air pollution and other things like cataracts.   

The list of benefits from having an exercising routine goes on and on.  Exercising makes your bones and muscles strong.  Exercising also improves your immune system so you don’t get sick as much.  It also helps you relax and sleep better.  Exercising is also one of the cheapest ways to living a long healthy life.  You don’t have to go to the gym to exercise, you can walk around your neighborhood.  People can even do certain exercises while sitting down watching television.  A person who is on a diet can walk a few minutes a day and increase the amount of weight they lose.  

I read that 30% of people in the U.S. is obese.  Fast foods was a main cause for the weight problem.  Fast food restaurants are all over the place and this makes it hard for a person to eat healthy.  When people are have busy lives, they may not have enough time to cook dinner every night so they pick up food on the way home.  The food they get is usually fast food because it is convenient but it does not give your body the nutrients it needs and it’s full of bad calories.  A Burger King Whopper with cheese is 760 calories.  Most of the calories comes from saturated fat which too much of this fat can cause heart disease.    

Living longer is what everybody wants but doing the right things to reach that goal can be hard.  It can be difficult to make time to go shopping to get healthy foods and cook it when you can stop at Burger King and get food already done.  Finding time and energy to exercise can also be hard.  The first step to living healthy is to put it in your mind that this is what you want to do and make a plan.  You can still eat fast food but maybe eat less of it.  Try to eat more fruits and vegetables.  Maybe eat an apple instead of chips with lunch.  If exercising is hard for you, you can walk up the stairs instead of taking the elevator.  If you drive a car, you can park farther away from the building so you walk more.  We can all live healthy lives if we make an effort.

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