Fulvic Acids | Teen Ink

Fulvic Acids

April 9, 2015
By Josiah Brown BRONZE, Eads, Tennessee
Josiah Brown BRONZE, Eads, Tennessee
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Did you know that athletes and common people bodies can perform much better than it does now?  To achieve that improved performance, many of these individuals use sports drinks and energy drinks.  Because these drinks contain high fructose corn syrup that is a processed sugar, it destroys the natural process of the human body. These drinks cause negative chemical and physiological alterations in our blood, body functions, and performance in sports and our everyday life activities. This study will discuss a natural alternative to the popular choice of sports drinks such as Gatorade and Powerade, and energy drinks such as red bull, 5-hour energy.
This natural alternative is a simple gift given to humans prepared naturally by nature called Fulvic Acid. It is nature’s miracle Molecule because of its ability to heal the bodies of human, plants, and animals, bringing back each in balance as nature intended it to be. Fulvic Acids are also called the elixir of life and theorized without it; nothing would live. The acid can be used both internally and externally for application. Also, this acid is the key element associated to life itself.  It is so crucial that a single Fulvic Acid molecule be capable of delivering 60 or more essential minerals including trace elements into the cells.

In the beginning, our naturally fertile soils contained a sufficient supply of Humic and Fulvic acids formed by inhabitant microbes in the earth's soil.  They deposited supplements of vitamins and minerals directly to the plants.  Largely, our present-day agriculture aims at one goal, an abundance of saleable products.  Food quality is sacrificed for food quantity. The bushel pays the farmer; yield is more relevant than nutritional content. To control disease and momentum yield, excessive amounts of nitrate fertilizers are disposed into the soil.  Such practices bemuse and destroy the indigenous microbial activity within the soil, which destroys vital Humic and Fulvic acids.

In turn, since athletes consume high amounts high fructose corn syrup, this provides no value to the functionality of the body. Potentially throwing off performance and slowing the healing and recovery process of the body that normally leads to minor and prolonged injuries during strenuous training and activities.

It is a well-known and publicized fact that our soils are ill from poor agricultural methods. The arid soil conditions brought on by the constant use of pesticides, chemical fertilizers, and erosion constrain microbial activity and the formation of Fulvic Acid. Therefore, Fulvic Acid is a necessity for great health, and this mineral has been lacking from our diet regime for generations. Re-mineralization for our bodies beyond Fulvic Acids has little gain, which is why people become ill due to degenerative and deficiency related diseases now more than ever. Finally, this study will provide the importance of Fulvic Acid, yet, how it is superior to sports and energy drinks.

Fulvic Acid improves and also balances biological substances that it interacts with each time. An electrolyte is a substance that is dissolved by water and other appropriate mediums that are capable of conducting electrical currents. Fulvic Acid also has been proven to be a dominant organic electrolyte that serves to balance cell life. Although, if the individual cell is renewed or restored to its normal chemical balance, this allows its electrical potential to be reused. Fulvic Acid has an outstanding ability to accomplish this objective in several ways. Past studies reveal to us that these vitamins from Fulvic Acid when used as a supplement assist by:

1. Condensing the source of Lactic Acid in muscles during and after training & sports activities. While taking part in aerobic exercise, there is always an increase in Lactic Acid; the Lactic Acid causes pain and soreness after an intense workout. However, there is no way to avoid Lactic Acid from occurring in your body. This Process can take place from performing a simple exercise like sprinting. Although, we can take action and prevent events like this from occurring in the future. We can prepare for working out and do an aerobic “warm down” to allow oxygen to enter the muscles in our body. Alternatively, by securing a high concentration of oxygen, is present in the cells before and during anaerobic exercise. Fulvic Acid prolongs the prevention of Lactic Acid build-up during strenuous training, repairs, and expedite muscle soreness, and accelerate recovery, eliminating muscle soreness while increasing oxygen uptake and performance.

2. Improving pH levels, to the alkaline side, during extreme training & sports activities. The word pH stands for Potential Hydrogen, which is the concentration of hydrogen ions in a substance or solution. The pH range is 0 - to - 14. (7) - being neutral. Human blood pH is usually 7.35. More advanced numbers announce alkalinity, and lower numbers announce acidity.  The body simply cannot condone extended acid imbalances. In the early phases of imbalance, symptoms may introduce problems like skin eruptions, allergies, and sinus issues. As things get further out of reach, weakened links start to break down. If tissue pH deviates too far to the acid side, oxygen levels decline, and cells perish. However, it is impossible for a health disorder or disease to carry on when your pH is in the neutral zone (7.0 - 7.4). At this point of time, the body has a sturdy defense against diseases.  Restoring the balance is the key. Therefore, moderate changes in your diet can help restore your pH balance.  Top athletes are very aware of their pH levels on a daily basis by testing their urine or saliva. There is a direct relationship between your saliva and urine pH, and your blood pH. You may want to look at the Sports Industry's 'pH websites', or consult a doctor, to understand this relationship before you start doing your testing. 
3. Reducing the impact of Carbon Dioxide during activities. Carbon Dioxide (CO2) builds up steadily during aerobic exercise and is the principle reason we ‘run out of puff’. There is a nonstop battle occurring in our cells among CO2 and oxygen (O2). So if CO2 is allowed to rise to toxic levels, then cell productivity can become severely damaged, and we have to stop our exercise and rest. Such toxic accumulation can only happen when the production of CO2 via aerobic metabolism outweighs the amount of O2 we can breathe in during the exercise. When this develops, what is known as an ‘oxygen debt’ increases. It is oxygen debt that we are ‘repaying’ by the uncontrollable breathing that occurs after exercising. If the amount of fatigue that we feel once oxygen debt begins can be improved and the amount of time it takes to repay the debt after exercise can be decreased. Then, in theory, we can train for longer periods of time and recover at a quicker rate. In order to achieve this, we would need an extremely efficient CO2-2 exchange mechanism. Also, an increase in lung capacity in order for O2 levels in the muscle cells to remain as high as possible during and after exercising. Fulvic Acid provides the muscles with more oxygen on demand during this deprivation process. 
4. Providing optimal protection against the increased production of oxidants. In order for an antioxidant to restrict a free radical, the antioxidant molecule must have separate electrons of equal and counter charges to that of the separate electrons of the free radical. We have determined that Fulvic acid is a dominant, natural electrolyte that can eradicate any form of free radicals. Therefore, Fulvic Acid can act as donor in the process of creating an electrochemical balance. If by chance it encounters free radicals with separate counter positive electrons, it will supply an equal amount of opposite negative charges to neutralize bad effects from the free radicals. Likewise, if the free radicals carry a negative charge, a Fulvic Acid molecule will supply positive separate electrons to tend to that charge. Fulvic Acid plays the role as a b--directional super antioxidant. Providing athletes with a much faster recovery from the breaking down of muscle tissues.
5. Providing one of the most powerful electrolytes known. For athletes and others, electrolyte imbalance is critical, especially during intense training and competition.  Scientists states that Fulvic Acid as the most powerful natural electrolytes known to man and that these supercharged molecules assist cellular life by rebuilding the electrical potential that was once natural for the cell by charging and regulating the cell’s living energy level. The molecules can either alter the cells into a new reusable compound or eliminate the cell as waste.    

6. Providing needed oxygen directly to cells in order to accelerate the healing process. The use and understanding of Fulvic Acid throughout the sports industry are growing on a daily basis.  It has shown an ability to provide optimal nutrition for athletes along with the potential for improved endurance, decreased recovery times, and Protection against injury, and it is all natural.” Fulvic Acid is a derivative of microbial degradation of humic substances. Microorganisms are essential to the process. Each gram of healthy top soil has a surplus of four billion microorganisms that are a part of manufacturing biochemicals essential to healthy plants and animals. Humans would not be able to survive if these chemicals were to fail. A better understanding of their importance can from having a better understanding of their purpose and their job. The amount of energy used by Microorganism to prepare one acre of Topsoil is equivalent to 10,000 people working on the same thing at the same time. Electrolytes happen to be salts that evolve into charged molecules called ions once they dissolve in some kind of liquid. The electrolytes electrical charge electrical and their ability to conduct electricity assists the body when sending electrical signals from one cell to another. There are many different types electrolytes, but a few of them are sodium, calcium, and sulfate. These electrolytes maintain electric voltage in your cells, allowing signals to pass through quick and easy. Many of our body functions depend on these signals from electrolytes to pass through our cells so that particular body part con function properly. These signals include regulating muscle function, acidity levels, and fluid levels. If these electrolytes become unstable, there would be extreme consequences to face. For example, if there were insufficient levels of bicarbonate with your heart muscles there would be a possibility that you would have a heart attack. In addition to that, the balance of electrolytes in your body can be affected easily by vomiting, diarrhea and sweating. That is why it is important to replace them. Electrolytes are found in a well-balanced diet that is rich in?vegetables?and fruit. People, who regularly exercise, should restore their electrolytes by drinking?sports?drinks that are enriched with potassium and sodium. “Electrolytes and their importance to the human body is undeniable. The body functions and systems?they support, are vitally extensive. It is difficult for our bodies to survive without them. However, with better knowledge and understanding, we can learn to replace them easily.” This source explains how electrolytes operate in the human body and help improve cells that help people perform at a high level.
Research indicates that these nutrients, when used as a supplement can assist in reducing the impact of Lactic Acid build up in muscles during and after training and sports activities. "Improving pH levels to the alkaline state during intense training & sports activities, reducing the result of Carbon Dioxide during activities. Providing optimal protection against the increased production of oxidants, and also providing one of the most powerful electrolytes known. It also provides oxygen directly to cells in order to accelerate the healing process." Also, the use and comprehension of Fulvic Acid throughout the sports industry are growing on a daily basis. "This substance has shown an ability to provide optimal nutrition for athletes along with the potential for improved endurance, decreased recovery times, Protection against injury, and it is all natural. Scientists have cataloged at least 90 growth and preservation nutrients that the body must have in order for the body to function properly.  These nutrients include things like amino acids, trace minerals, vitamins etc. When those nutrients are supplied to our cells, the cells begin to build building blocks of our life process. These particular building blocks in the metabolic machinery. Humans can produce every amino acids within their cells except for eight of them. Many complex process that deal with metabolic functions take place within the cell.  If we don't supply nutrients to the cells for it to grow properly, the cell will eventually breakdown. If there is a major breakdown there is a chance that is a disease or defect is onset or about to manifest.  (So if the body just so happens to lack one of those growth and maintenance nutrients Fulvic Acid can help the body by restoring the body with those nutrients.) Sports drinks like Gatorade and Powerade are designed to restore the body and give a person immediate energy and fluids for post workouts etc. These energy drinks contain the main electrolytes and carbohydrates needed in order for exercising muscles to maintain themselves during a rigorous workout. Also, the electrolytes in sport drinks maintain a safe water-to-sodium ratio. Sweating causes us to lose a bunch of essential electrolytes like calcium, magnesium, potassium etc. The loss of these electrolytes cause fatigue and wear down and muscles and can even damage them. The sport drinks contain these electrolytes at the correct ratio to help the body absorb them quicker. Although, these rinks do contain glucose which prevents them fatigue and weariness, (sports drinks like Gatorade and Powerade only replenish potassium and sodium unlike Fulvic Acid that replace 96 different essential electrolytes).

As an athlete, your diet is essential to ensure a great performance. Fulvic Infused BlackGOLD Drink can help ensure that your dietary “fuel” is nutritional, organically and naturally optimized. Fulvic Acid is an organic material that was, and still is, produced naturally by the action of microbes over millions of years. These microbes help to break down dead and dying vegetation, the by-product of the breakdown is Fulvic Acid. Harvard University states "Sports drinks are flavored beverages that contain carbohydrates (usually simple sugar) and minerals such as sodium and potassium. Those minerals are introduced as electrolytes." In addition to that Harvard University also mentions, "One concern with sports drinks is that they deliver unneeded calories. Some contain 150 calories, the equivalent of 10 teaspoons of sugar. Children do not need sports drinks, says Dr. Claire McCarthy, an assistant professor of pediatrics at Harvard Medical School.  As for adults, Tim Noakes, professor of exercise and sports science at the University of Cape Town in South Africa told the BMJ. Far from turning casual runners into Olympic athletes, “If they avoided the sports drinks they would get thinner and run faster.” These quotes prove that it is wise for an athlete to consume Fulvic Acid.

“Fulvic Living’s products are one of a kind in the way the Company is utilizing a mainstream market approach to the consumer through everyday products that include a very important element:  Fulvic Acid. This has never been accomplished before in this type of presentation. The nearest example of this would be Blackwater Drink.  Fulvic Living provides the same benefits, only without being black in color.  Other competitors will be the mass-market energy drinks, sports drinks, and bottled water products that have extensive market share." Fulvic Acid is better for an athlete. Because it is a natural electrolyte and doesn’t contain any artificial substances like sugar that the average sports drink that an athlete would drink after he or she has rigorous workout. 

Now that you are armed with more knowledge on Fulvic Acid you can make conclusions. The facts stated above prove that you can have a much healthier body than you do now by using Fulvic Acid. You understand that Fulvic Acid are prepared by nature and can cause a positive change in your lifestyle. However, it all depends on you and if you are willing to accept it and are ready for change. Fulvic Acid is a molecule labeled as a refiner and transporter of organic minerals and other cell nutrients. The molecule converts harmful substances into harmless substances by chelating and humanizing free radicals. However, depending on the chemical makeup of the free radical, they can be incorporated into a life-sustaining bio-available nutrient. If a free radical is considered useless during the process of developing the makeup, the free radical will be carried out of the body as waste. There many substances of humic matter that remain hidden amongst known and documented organic chemicals. We are starting to recognize certain these aspects of Fulvic Acids, but we have much more to Discover.  

Works Cited
"Fulvic Acid Benefits." Fulvic Acid Benefits. N.p., n.d. Web. 26 Feb. 2015.
"FAQs." FAQs. N.p., n.d. Web. 26 Feb. 2015.
"Why Electrolytes Are Important." / Nutrition / Healthy Eating. N.p., n.d. Web. 25 Feb. 2015.
"BlackGOLD." BlackGOLD. N.p., n.d. Web. 26 Feb. 2015.
"Fulvic Acid: The Miracle Molecule." - Electronic Healing. N.p., n.d. Web. 26 Feb. 2015.
"Sports Drinks ? Do They Help Athletes Perform Better?" Medindia. N.p., n.d. Web. 26 Feb. 2015.
"Fulvic-defined." Fulvic-defined. N.p., n.d. Web. 26 Feb. 2015.
"Trade Sports Drinks for Water - Harvard Health Blog." Harvard Health Blog RSS. N.p., 30 July 2012. Web. 26 Feb. 2015.
"Fulvic Acid Benefits." Fulvic Acid Benefits. N.p., n.d. Web. 26 Feb. 2015.
"Trade Sports Drinks for Water - Harvard Health Blog." Harvard Health Blog RSS. N.p., 30 July 2012. Web. 26 Feb. 2015.
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"Fulvic Acid: The Miracle Molecule." - Electronic Healing. N.p., n.d. Web. 26 Feb. 2015.

The author's comments:

Fulvic Acid is a natural substance that comes from the earth and has the ability of changing your life forever!!

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