Why you shouldn't eat fast food | Teen Ink

Why you shouldn't eat fast food

June 22, 2014
By rachelkatzenberger BRONZE, Bristolville, Ohio
rachelkatzenberger BRONZE, Bristolville, Ohio
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Take a look at that greasy burger that you are holding. That bite that you are going to take could be your last. Aren’t you disgusted by the smashed lettuce and the fake meat that you are about to eat? Well it is time to set down the fast food that has been tossed to you and grab onto the healthy facts. No fast food is the best fast food.

Think a dollar burger is just what you need? In all of that food that you are going to shove down your throat there is a high amount of chesterol and synthetic chemicals. On a fast food menu everything contains hydrogenated oils. These oils can cause damage not only to your body itself, but damage to your DNA. I don’t know about you, but bleached wheat flour doesn’t sound “yummy.” Are you thinking about what is going into your body?

I want to be able to see my childrens’ children grow and watch them live their life just as much as I did. Eating nasty fast food you are reducing your like span. Well isn’t that what happens when you consume synthetic chemicals? Synthetic chemicals, just so you are aware, triggers illness. Not to mention fast food alone increases diabetes. Isn’t living life a priority? Then make it one.

“It’s a salad, of corse it’s healthy!” A misconception made by many. Mc Donalds adds sugar to salads and to kids meal salads. How disturbing. People actually feed that to their children. The world wonders why obesity is a problem even though they don’t want to face the problem standing right in front of them. No more of this unhealthy lie that the fast food chain has been feeding us.

Better choices come with better consequences. Eating healither will not let you down. Understand when I say that fast food is never the answer. Being able to watch your child grow up and being able to be in their life should be your number one. So, consumer, are you ready to start this radical change? Millions have already begun.

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