Get Over It | Teen Ink

Get Over It MAG

October 26, 2013
By Anonymous

I was taught to suck it up
And keep it all in
And when life gets tough
Grow some thicker skin
Keep your head up
There's life after high school
I guess it's easy to say
After you've been cut loose

Just get over it
They tell me
But you've got the upper hand
You're free

Rub some dirt on it
Swallow some pills
You don't have a fever
So you can't be ill
All you need is positive thinking
And you'll get well
But I'm trapped inside my head
There's not much left

Heartbreak only comes
After the boy-girl romance
So I couldn't know
It's much too advanced
Smile for a while
Pretend that you're not sick
Just get better
It'll just take time for it to be fixed

Ice the bruise
There's no excuse
For you to lash out this way
But I'm pretty tired
Of everyone saying
That I should feel okay

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This article has 1 comment.

on Jan. 28 2014 at 10:19 pm
I know what you mean about so much of this. I get scolded or yelled at for being sad. I can't cry in front of anyone because I grew up being yelled at for it. I've heard because have never had a broken heart I can't possibly know real sadness. Thank you for writing this, it made me feel a little bit better knowing someone feels something similarly to what I feel.