alcohol | Teen Ink


May 14, 2013
By staley BRONZE, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
staley BRONZE, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Theres a lot of different ways that alcohol can affect someone's health. It can cause different types of cancer, it can affect your heart, your brain, and your immune system. It can affect you severely and you may not see it coming.
The ways alcohol affects your heart. It can stretch out the heart muscles which will make them all saggy and droopy. And will cause the heart to be weaker. It can make your heart get off its normal beat and it may cause you to have a blood clot and then may lead the heart to stop pumping blood. It can also cause you to have a stroke.
How it will affect someone’s brain. It could affect how you communicate or how you react with things. It could affect the looks of your brain and how it usually works. It could also change someone’s behavior and the moods that they have.
Drinking alcohol can weaken your immune system. It can make it so you are more vulnerable to disease. And you could catch something like pneumonia or tuberculosis. Drinking regularly can increase the risks of getting mouth cancer, throat cancer, breast cancer, bowel cancer, and liver cancer. Drinking often will damage many things in the human body.
If you drink on a regular basis it will damage lots of things in your body. It may damage your heart, brain, kidneys, liver, etc. It could cause death to you different ways too. It can cause you to have a blood clot in your heart and then your heart may stop, you can get alcohol poisoning if you drink too much at one time. And it could also cause you to kill other people if you drink and drive

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