One Voice | Teen Ink

One Voice MAG

By Anonymous

   I admit it, world. You win. I give up. I have had enough of this deranged andtwisted society in which we live. I no longer want to exist in a culture where somuch emphasis is placed on the body that a teenage girl feels it is necessary tostarve herself to be considered worthwhile. I have refused to succumb to thispressure. I have tried to protect the self-esteem of my friends. When did the cure forall the world's ills change from a hug and kind word to therapy andhospitalization? Growing up I was taught to persevere, that every problem has asolution. Well, world, you have presented me with something I cannotfix.

Two of my friends have confided that they suffer from eatingdisorders. Almost daily, rumors fly around school about a new case, a new victimof society. What can I do to help them? How can I make them see how importantthey are to me? I firmly believe each is an important individual. I do not valuethem for a beautiful body or small waist. I love them for their personalities,charming wit, intelligence and friendship. The world would suffer a horrendousloss if they were to fall prey to society's ideals.

We have all enduredthe same health classes discussing eating disorders. Anorexia and bulimia werealways viewed as the "other people's" diseases. They are not.Unfortunately, it took a tragedy to make me realize this. Everyone is thepotential victim of an eating disorder. Often, it is the perfectionist oroverachiever who suffers. The "perfect" girl at school could be hidinga horrible truth behind her smiling mask.

I am deeply saddened by theseevents. It is difficult to express my emotions with words. Perhaps the thing thatupsets me the most is the lack of control I have over the lives of those I careabout. My love goes out to all of them as my heart aches and tears stream down myface for their suffering. If it makes any difference, I offer them a hug and kindword. Deep within my heart, however, I know it will not; that is not the way lifeworks. If it did, I would save the world.

So, world, you win. However, donot relax your grip on your victims. Each day I wake up prepared to renew myfight. And someday I will win. tf

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This article has 2 comments.

i love this so much!

Kwstar said...
on Nov. 22 2008 at 6:50 pm
SO touching remember a smile can save a life!