Inhale, Exhale | Teen Ink

Inhale, Exhale

February 20, 2012
By AAnderson BRONZE, Coppell, Texas
AAnderson BRONZE, Coppell, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The smells associated with cities today have started to remind people of a terrible thing, smog filled air and noticeable toxins infiltrate the air. This, of course, is air pollution, a very serious issue in today’s world. The dangerous effects on health caused by air pollution create a hazard for all urban living environments and the lives of the people residing there.
Air pollution is caused, for the most part, by human industry, but environmental factors can also cause air pollution. Air pollution greatly reduces the quality and cleanliness of the air we’re available to breathe.
As stated by the EPA, factories, power plants, public transportation, vehicles, and many other everyday human activities are leading causes of air pollution. Add these to the already dangerous environmental forms of air pollution present everywhere, like ozone, carbon monoxide, chemical vapors, and gases produced by burning fossil fuels.

So why are all of these so dangerous and worth trying to cut down on? Air pollution’s effects also cause a lot of health problems that can be very serious threats to our bodies. As stated by the American lung association, due to the air’s bad quality, diseases like lung cancer, asthma, respiratory and cardiovascular problems, and even death can result. The outside environment can also experience problems, like changes in plants and animals resulting from exposure to different forms or a mixture of different types of air pollution.

Air pollution, if it continues to grow at the rate it’s currently growing, will definitely have a negative impact on all aspects of our lives. Having clean air to breathe is a requirement for all life, and without this all living things would suffer.

Air pollution also gets worse as industry continues to flourish, as the population continues to grow, and as we continue using devices that cause pollution to occur. It has been said that very large actions must be taken to reduce, and frankly this is true, but as long as people can continue to think about it and try to change this, it might do something in the future.

Air pollution is a serious issue in our world today, and as the earth becomes more and more populated the issue becomes worse. It has accounted for hundreds of human deaths already, and it’s only going to get worse as years pass.More actions should take place to reduce the pollution and keep the air cleaner for not only everyone, but everything. This issue is currently becoming worse, we need to take a stance on this issue while it’s still manageable so we can still be able to do something about it. Especially in major cities, with lots of industry present, air pollution can ravage the people living within.

The author's comments:
Air pollution has interested me, being a very serious issue in today's world, for a while now. I hope that this article might inform someone of the dangers of air pollution.

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