Is teen pregnancy a bigger deal than what everybody thought? | Teen Ink

Is teen pregnancy a bigger deal than what everybody thought?

October 14, 2011
By sam1223 BRONZE, South Dayton, New York
sam1223 BRONZE, South Dayton, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

In the past years teen pregnancy has become an epidemic in the media. There are many influences in the media that glorify as well as disgrace teen mothers. Most teens that become pregnant at an early age will most likely become a statistic. The most major statistic is that the teen moms will not finish high school or go on to college. Less than 1/3 of all teen moms will finish high school and go on to college. Not all teen moms necessarily become part of that statistic. Many do finish high school and go to college to provide a better life for their child and for themselves.
However, in teen pregnancy, the teens and their babies face many medical risks. First, teen moms face postpartum depression, and it is most likely to occur at this age. This creates a barrier for mother and child to bond in the first few months of life. Both may also face many unseen dangers. The baby could be exposed to many diseases and medical problems if not treated immediately. Teen moms are also more likely to have a difficult pregnancy.

Many problems ranging from minor to fatal to the mother and child. If the teen has little or no prenatal care, the baby could face medical problems growing up. The children of teen mothers also face the risk of low birth rate and/or prematurely giving birth. If a child is born prematurely than the infant faces the risk of their organs being underdeveloped, undersized or not strong enough to handle everyday activities. Certain teens never even end up finishing school.

Through the decades teen pregnancy has slowly dropped and slowly increased. From 1991-2005 the rate of pregnancy dropped 36%. Now, not quite 11% of all births in the U.S are born to teen moms. Since 2008 the number has risen about 3%. Most teens never expect they will become mothers at a young age. But anything can happen; the wrong decision can change a life forever. Most teens can accept the responsibility of caring for a new life. Most are extremely happy about their experiences and wouldn’t change a thing. Teens who can’t take the responsibility normally place their child up for adoption; so the child can have a better life.

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