School Nutrition | Teen Ink

School Nutrition

February 21, 2011
By Megan Mills BRONZE, North Vernon, Indiana
Megan Mills BRONZE, North Vernon, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

There are many problems in the world, although my biggest concern is school nutrition. I believe the way people learn to eat as a child will form their eating habits for the future. Therefore we need to ensure students get a well balanced diet everyday. My middle school’s typical menu every Friday is French Baked Pizza: Cheese 34g, Pepperoni 34g, Vegetables 10-20g, Fruit 18-21g, Bread Sticks 28g, Cheese Sauce 3g, and Milk. This could be improved by adding more choices of fruits and vegetables and cutting out some of the deserts. It is just that simple!

I assure you that your concerns will be met over this topic, in fact, here are some now. Some students who are under weight need the extra calories. This problem can be resolved easily. If the school serves the right quantity and quality of food every student should get plenty of calories. Another problem that might be on your mind is money issues. Even though healthy food can be more expensive, it will cost less in the long run if students are healthier and miss less school for illness.

As a middle school student I have personally seen what being overweight can do to kids. It makes them tired and self-conscious. They are less likely to
try out for sports, because they are afraid they will fall behind.
Although if they are shown what a healthy diet is they might be more likely to change their ways. Getting a well balanced diet at school will give us more energy and help us stay awake in class. This could even affect the students parents. By losing weight this might influence the students parents to eat healthy as well.

You as my readers deserve the truth and here it is …
25% of children and teenagers in the United States are either
overweight or obese. Throughout studies it has been proven that over the years that number is rising. So eating healthier will not only benefit students but it will also help others. Remember this, the growing obesity rates could change if we just take the first step. It is the little things that can make a difference!

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