Depressing Music | Teen Ink

Depressing Music

January 14, 2009
By Anonymous

Have you ever listened to a sad/depressing song when you are upset? Why? Because you can relate to it, right? It puts your feelings into words? Yes, it may do these things, but does it really do anything about the situation at hand? Does it really actually help you? I think that it just makes things worse. It just makes you focus on your own sadness and depressing thoughts. There are so many people, especially teens that are extremely stressed out and seem to be "down" or in a "bad mood". Depressing/sad music it not helping this problem. Music should be upbeat and have positive lyrics, about how people can make it through. Music shouldn't depress you more, it should uplift you and take your mind off of the depressing things in this world.
I used to listen to music about suicide, dying and other depressing things. It was the first thing I listened to in the morning on the bus ride to school. It was a horrible way to start off my day. I could relate to the music, yes. Although, it didn't help me. It almost seemed to make things worse. I felt so upset when I listened to the music. So, one day I decided to change all of the music I listened to, to positive, uplifting music. It was difficult beyond belief. It was almost like I had a small addiction to depressing music. This new music has helped me. I am happier every morning and in a better mood. I think positively instead of negatively. I enjoy the music I now listen to. It is upbeat and has positive messages. I am glad that I switched my music. I would not go back to the other music. Ever.
I challenge you do make this same decision. Try it. Even if it is just for a week or a month. You can do it if you put your mind to it. And pay attention to your moods. You will see a difference, you will seem happier. What have you got to loose?

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This article has 1 comment.

AliLinnS GOLD said...
on Jul. 23 2011 at 4:15 pm
AliLinnS GOLD, Heislerville, New Jersey
12 articles 0 photos 45 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I love you, sweet Kate. And I'm truly sorry about this. I do feel...everything." -Casanova
Kiss The Girls by James Patterson

I can see what you're saying. But I listen to all depressing music, and I can sing and dance along as much as I want. Actually, I can relate to it so much, that my music makes me happy. It might just be me.