Domestic Abuse | Teen Ink

Domestic Abuse

May 4, 2009
By Menna Kassa BRONZE, Columbus, Ohio
Menna Kassa BRONZE, Columbus, Ohio
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Domestic abuse is everywhere. No matter how hard you try to hide it or cover it up it’s still there. “If you look into my eyes you’ll see a loving girl. If you look into my smile, you’ll sense that nothing is wrong. If you look in my heart, you’ll see some pain.” Those are the words of a Freedom Writer. Those words are so true because how can you possibly look at someone and know that they’re in pain? How do you know that they are being abused? You don’t. Unless they say something or speak up you just won’t know.

Domestic abuse is a chain. In an article by Elly Darwin, she speaks about this chain. When a child sees a parent being abused by another person, the child more than likely is going to end up abusing his or her spouse. If their child sees their parent being abused by another person then they too are more likely to end up abusing their spouse, and the chain of abuse continues. In the movie, “No One Would Tell,” the girlfriend was abused so badly by her boyfriend to the point where he killed her. What’s sad is this is a true story and this continues to happen to this day.

Domestic abuse is everywhere. According to the American Institute of Domestic Violence, 85-95% of domestic victims are female, but let’s not forget about the men in this issue. I had a guy friend who was abused by his girlfriend. Not physically but she would always put him down to the point where he felt like nothing. Once he realized what she was doing to him he dumped her, but took her back after a day because she said, “Sorry.” But, the cycle just began again.

Domestic abuse goes both ways. It doesn’t discriminate against age, race, or sex. It’s on TV, in movies, and in our lives. But until people start speaking up about this issue and open up their hearts for the world to see their pain, the chain of abuse will just strengthen and continue. Because of this, the lives of many will just fall into ruin.

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This article has 1 comment.

on Jun. 2 2009 at 2:55 pm
Austin Hutchins, Warren, Ohio
0 articles 0 photos 4 comments
Im sorry for wat U went threw My parents were the same.