What About Pollution | Teen Ink

What About Pollution

May 13, 2016
By hud$on SILVER, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
hud$on SILVER, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Most of us hate pollution but some think it is needed for our survival. Also most americans make pollution every day without even thinking or knowing about it. It comes from cars and factories that make all sorts of processed food, and the garbage alone pollution is everywhere. Pollution is harmful yet some does not even affect us. Also the media over exaggerates the problems of pollution so we think it is worse than it is. Pollution can be  destructive, harmless, and possibly over exaggerated.


Why it is so destructive and harmful. According to the pollution article 2016 by Salon News , millions of deaths are caused each year by pollution. The reason for the deaths is because pollution is causing heart problems and other dangerous diseases. In this article, Margaret Chan made this key point, “If countries do not take action to eliminate their pollution, millions will continue to die”. Also in Universe News 2015, Harming the Earth, the author John  tells how acid rain and other harmful pollutants kill multiple animals and plants. For acid rain alone, the hazardous rain will destroy tons of plants by not allowing them to breath. This happens because pollution will destroy their photosynthesis process which will kill them. When the ozone falling apart it drops molecules which will get caught in an animal's lungs making them sick or die. There are many toxins in the ocean, and  Marine Pollution article 12/13/15 by Bluevoice, written by an organization, says that every square mile of the oceans has man made chemicals in it. This causes thousands of marine animals to have many illnesses such as growth development problems or worse. Even though all this occurs some don’t really care.

According to the Pollution article 9/18/2015 by the New York Post, written by many authors,  many corporations are turning pollution into profits. They do not mind pollution because they make tons of money by finding new ways to clean it up. Besides these people there are those who cause a lot of it. The most harmful air pollution comes from huge factories. Care’s pollution article of 2016 says there are 7 major companies that cause pollution around the world. The people who run these companies make enough money that they can pay off fines without a dent in profits. Then there are everyday people. Hcf’s everyday article says human homes cause indirect carbon spill into the air every day. About 96 % of americans own cars and around 90 % own houses. Most of the things we like cause pollution and that is ok a long as we get what we want. In addition some scientists think it will be hundred, thousands, or millions of years before earth is destroyed by pollution. We are not going to be alive then so who cares. Every day  things cause pollution and few try to change it.

The few that do are the media and nature fanatics. Good stories of 2014 by Journalism 101 says that for a good news story, the topic has to be new have human interest. The reason pollution is on the news so much is not for the actual pollution but is for the sad  people and animals affected by pollution. Anything suffering or in danger immediately gets people to watch and receive  tons of money. The media likes to excite people so they stay tuned for the next newspaper or episode. An good example would be ‘The Guardian” which says pollution will make earth expire by 2050. Also it talks about humans colonizing other planets to survive. This story worries many gullible people and gets lots of customers. This is clearly an exaggeration but it is a good story for the newspaper. Then there are the people who love earth, the website “Treehuggers” ( this is literally  the name of the website ) is mostly about boycotting stuff. They say to not use cars, boycott Apple and many other things everyone uses. This is not going to happen because of necessity

Necessity is the reason for pollution in the first place.  For example think of a daily life, cereal in the morning, drive to work, and then come home. To do just a daily routine you pollute by your car and the cereal that you are probably was made in a factory that causes pollution. Most people have to drive or ride a bus every day. Besides,  people who own a car are not going to bike or walk when it's cold or raining. Also many of the pollution causing factories have tons of workers. If these places were shut down, there would be ton of people jobless. Also fireplaces are awesome and heat up our homes and they cause pollution. Another major thing is farming. We all need food from farmers. I mean ,who in america never eats beef or vegetables from a store? More importantly, who cares about a little pollution when they’re eating steak or some other delicious meal that caused pollution. No one wants to give this up and since nothing will affect us in our lifetime, who cares?

Because everyone disagrees, there is no clear answer to the problem. People are always wondering if pollution is necessary, but they also know it is bad. Scientists all have different theories on how it will affect us. Then there are all kinds of people who don’t know what to believe or what is real. The media contributes to the confusion with dramatic stories and frightening things that will harm or can kill us in the future. This is horrible to think about so we need to change something.   But after hearing all the opinions where it is good or evil, needed or accustomed, the only clear answer is that it needs to stop.

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