Endangered animal | Teen Ink

Endangered animal

October 31, 2014
By Anonymous

Pandas are one of the endangered animals that there is. These pandas originate in China . There is very few pandas today.  Pandas are very important animals to chinese people . A panda is a symbol of peace in China . Because back in the day the United States and China were enemies . What united these two counties were the pandas. It all started when the first lady, Pat Nixon heard about the pandas that came from china she then told her husband , the president Richard Nixon about her interest of meeting a panda in person . After, the first lady told Richard Nixon he made an agreement with Chinese premier Zhou Enlai . A panda diplomacy was then created . A panda diplomacy was like a contract that said china can release/loan two pandas to any country for a certain amount of time but , then the pandas had to return to china when their time was done from being at the other country .   

According to worldwildlife pandas are in risk of extintion because they are being killed accidentely which is causing them to be endangered of extintion . This article says that pandas are being killed for their fur . They say the following “ hunting remains an ever present threat poaching the animals for their fur has declined due to strict laws and greater public awareness of the pandas protected status. But hunters seeking other animal in panda habitat continue to kill pandas accidentally”. This one reason pandas are endangered . But another reason there is very few pandas today is because female pandas usually has two baby pandas , but the mama panda will only raise one of them because they are very fragile and sensitive that the mama panda wouldn't have time to take care of both of them . Also sometimes the female panda can’t find a mate therefore there's no baby pandas.  Which decreases their population.

There will no longer be pandas. Can you imagine a world without pandas?  Since Pandas are in danger of extinction there might not be such a thing of pandas . Like what I said earlier these creatures are being killed for their fur and are being killed by accident . Another reason the panda population is decreasing is because of the mama panda usually always has to baby panda cubs which at the end she gets to keep only one of them because they are too fragile and sensitive which is hard for the mama panda to care for both of them .  Therefore, their population decreases .  If we don’t do anything to prevent their extinction then there won’t be life pandas that we can look at or see in person the only way would be to see them be by looking at a picture of them . 

According, to BBC During 1950 the Moera , the communist party saw the opportunity to give pandas as a gift to encourage new relationships with other countries .  Also by 1972-1984 Pandas used as gifts to the west , starting with thr U.S when Richard Nixton secured a pair of gaint pandas. Then during 1984-1998 Panda gifts tured into loans on a capalist model based around finanial transcript , considering with China’s Open-door policy as it allowed in the foreign investment. After this time during 2008 present Panda loans are based on mutual need where nations supply China with valuable resources and technology .

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