Conserve, Not Splurge | Teen Ink

Conserve, Not Splurge

June 21, 2014
By CourtneyLudwick GOLD, Yorktown, Texas
CourtneyLudwick GOLD, Yorktown, Texas
13 articles 0 photos 3 comments

The ground shakes as the dilapidated tree crashes and meets its ominous final death. The seagull catches its last breath before it sinks into the oil that captured its family. The young girl lies in a hospital cot in a third-world country, wondering why her lungs turned black. Everyday, humanity destroys a little more of the beautiful environment we were given. Everyone is guilty of this misdeed at times, but many aren't even aware of our planet's situation.
Furthermore, there is something that we can do to help. However bad the environment seems, it could always become worse. This is why we need to just stop and think. We need to think about smarter and safer ways of accomplishing everyday tasks. For example, whenever people leave their houses, they could just turn off the lights and save energy. Likewise, alternate energy sources are rapidly becoming available to the public as well. Solar and water energy are just a few of the newly-advanced ways to conserve instead of splurge.
Consequently, there are many more ways to cut back down on our world's resources also. For instance, the tearing down of our national forests to clear land is absolutely ridiculous. The use of this land is put to waste because after the global marketers kill many different ecosystems and evict all the creatures out of their homes, the land is used to build more suburban areas most likely. Then the houses in these areas are probably not needed, yet they will get built. And so the cycle goes.
The wasteful nature of humans is seen through our greed and want for materialistic items. If everyone just cuts back a little, our environment can change a lot. Today, I challenge you to think about the energy you are using. I challenge you to conserve, not splurge.


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