The Environment | Teen Ink

The Environment

April 22, 2014
By Natalie47 BRONZE, Welch, Minnesota
Natalie47 BRONZE, Welch, Minnesota
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The environment is a big and important part of the world. Many people don't really care to help make the environment a safe and healthy place. But some people do care, they try to help by cleaning up roads. Bringing clean water to places that don't have clean water, helping animals that are trapped or dying from garbage in the ocean. Those are only a few problems that are wrong with the environment, there are much more. Some environmental problems today are global warming, air pollution, extinction in plants and animals, soil erosion, and solid waste. I will be talking about a few environmental problems, like animals, water, and global warming.

There are many animals on earth, different types, sizes, and shapes. The first types of animals that I will be talking about will be marine and aquatic animals. Many marine animals rely on underwater sounds, to get around, hunt for food, finding friends and mates. So when whales or other marine animals hear military ships, airplanes, or engine jets. Or could end up hurting the animal or even possibly kill them. Marine animals are just one of the few species that are endangered. Some other species include, the Giant Panda which lives in china, the Sumatran Tiger, they live in the Indonesian Island of Sumatra. The Mountain Gorilla, they live in many places like the Virginia Mountains, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, and Uganda. Lastly the Sumatran Elephant, which lives in the Indonesian Island of Sumatra. Those are also just a few of the hundreds of endangered animals all around the world that need help. Other issues in the environment are the bodies of water all around the world.

Water is probably the most important thing that someone needs to survive. Which makes that a big problem in the environment. Everyone relies on clean and healthy water. Lakes and rivers are starting to be threatened by the climate changes. The worlds biggest health issue is dirty water. One way that makes water unhealthy and dirty is when the water from rain and melting snow runs off of roofs and roads into rivers. Most water is unsafe for wildlife, or people that are living in unsafe or unhealthy environments. Like children and adults in countries that have people struggling to get by. Another big issue in the environment is global warming.

Global Warming is probably one of the biggest worries for the environment. Global warming happens by carbon dioxide and other global warming pollutants, the particles collect in the atmosphere like a blanket that thickens, then it traps the sun's heat, which causes the planet to warm up. Global Warming effects cold places like the north pole, south pole and antarctica. Melting the homes of polar bears, penguins, and any other animals that live in cold places like those. It also affects the weather, making the ocean water warmer and makes more hurricanes, droughts, wildfires, heat waves, and floods. Also making polar ice caps melt, making it raise sea levels. If polar ice caps melt it could throw the whole global ecosystem out of balance. Another very serious problem with global warming, is that while ice caps are white, they reflect sunlight. The sunlight reflects back into space, in which cooling the earth. If all ice caps melt, the only other reflecting source is the ocean. Darker colors absorb more sunlight, which warms the earth even more.

The earth has a very unbalanced environment. Leading to melting ice caps, which leads to melting homes for arctic animals. Endangered animals, like pandas, gorillas, tigers, and elephants. Or dirty water which leads to dirty rivers with garbage, and disease-carrying chemicals. Global warming leads to unsafe weather conditions like droughts, wildfires, floods, hurricanes, and heat waves. The environment can be deadly and scary at times, but it can also be a beautiful and a happy place.

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