Rise (and demise?) of Fox Hunting | Teen Ink

Rise (and demise?) of Fox Hunting

September 23, 2011
Augusto Quintero-Rodriguez BRONZE, London, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Britain has changed and is changing, some may argue that the changes are not always good but ultimately they are for the better (usually!). If so why do we hunt innocent defenceless animals just for a laugh?

Fox hunting was first performed for food and then over time it became the barbaric practise we know (and hate) today. Attempts have previously been made to try and outlaw this cruel sport and they have succeeded in many Western Societies such as our neighbour to the south, France and also here in England and Wales. The Hunting Act of 2004 was signed to “Protect Wild Mammals against attacks” which has not been properly enforced by the Government and is widely inconsistent due to the fact that some are punished while some are let off ‘scot-free’ which makes it understandable when you’re told that hunting is still thriving in these parts. The Scottish Parliament has also tried to tackle this issue by signing a similar act which they too failed to enforce. As a result of the lack of action and incompetence by the Government, animal welfare and conservation groups have had to take matters into their own hands by disrupting and sabotaging hunts which has angered many long time hunters resulting in a fair amount of aggression against the saboteurs.

These “sabs” as they call them are becoming increasingly popular among these groups while the hunters claim that it is in fact they who are increasing in popularity and it is attract more younger hunters to enjoy what nature has to offer.
Evidence has been found to prove that the Dogs which Chase after the Foxes are mistreated by the ‘Hunt Masters’ and are stretched beyond their limits during their training. These inhumane conditions have even been criticised by the masters themselves who agree with the conversationalists on this small term. There is also strong criticism to the fact that after the fox is ripped apart by the hounds its body is just left there on the floor and the Hunt Masters don’t even have the decency to show their respect to the loss of life or even take the body away to bury respectfully.

If this disgusting hobby continues Foxes could even become endangered in the next 5 years because each year around 20 000 are killed for sport. The other main contributor to Fox deaths are roads (also manmade) because 50 000-100 000 are killed on them each year. This phenomenon loss of life can easily be stopped if instead of hunting foxes you ‘Drag Hunt’ where hounds are made to follow a scent which is the same basic foundation for fox hunting and the only main difference is that it is not a blood sport and no animals can be injured.

No matter how many acts of Parliament it seems like this particular type of hunting is still being practiced and is as strong as ever.

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