Saving Our Sources | Teen Ink

Saving Our Sources

May 22, 2011
By KJLee1 BRONZE, Flower Mound, Texas
KJLee1 BRONZE, Flower Mound, Texas
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The environment problem is getting issues from people now. They start to realize our problems, but they still do not really care about their world. Most of people might think that it is really hard to save our sources or materials because we are not familiar to economize on sources yet. However, we have to face our truth and do something before it gets worse.
There is not such of big works to do. For now, we just have to think and feel about our situations. We have to keep in mind to save our sources. There are several easy things that we can our energy, but we just those things. First, we have to make sure to turns off not using electricity devices. Some people might think this does not really matter, but if all the people around world do try to save, then it will make whole difference. Second, we should try not to waste our foods. Many people are intending to left out their foods and get more food that they need to. We have to know that so many kids in Africa are dying due to starving.
Like I suggest this two simple ways, we can do so much works with simple ways. The most important thing that we need to save our sources is that keeping in mind our real situations.

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