Mandatory Recycling | Teen Ink

Mandatory Recycling

March 11, 2011
By JLET24 BRONZE, Plaquemine, Louisiana
JLET24 BRONZE, Plaquemine, Louisiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

You love the world we live in right? Aren't the flowers extremely beautiful once they blossom? Aren't the trees wonderful too? Well when we recycle we are saving them. We use brand new products everyday, but what we do not realize is all we have to do is put them in a pin and out them to our road. In doing this, we could make many products be used again. This would save money and help our environment out a bunch. Many people know how to recycle paper, plastic, and pretty much any kind of recyclable material that people do not want to use any more. After people are done with their materials they think it has no value to them. If people would simply just throw their unused materials in a basket and put them by the road. This way, people from the city can come and pick them up and put them in a machine to make the product again. People can recycle paper and plastic. Paper is the most common recyclable material. People do not realize that when you use a piece of paper and throw it away there is another side that is completely blank. People can print what they need on the other side. Once they have used both sides they can bring the old, used, paper to the plant and they can recycle it and turn it into another fresh sheet of paper that has no writing on the back or the front. People do not realize how much paper and trees they can save by just recycling. Every piece of paper can be recycled and used twice, so that would save half of the trees that people are cutting down. It is just that easy. People just want to be lazy and not recycle when they know all they have to do is bring it to the state. They have the easy part, the workers still have to process it and turn it into paper and plastic again. They have to work really hard to get this done and people just don’t care and are being lazy. It really ticks me off when people act like this. They think they do not have to recycle if they do not have to. That is true but then on the other hand you are doing a good deed and are saving the environment. Just by putting a few pieces of paper and throwing your extra plastic bottles when you are done in the trash. Recycling is a big part of life. If you do not recycle you do not save energy or our world. We all need to recycle just to keep the world round. The earth will; not be here for long if we do not keep it up. We only have one world, once we loose it we cannot get it back. It supplies our food, oxygen, and eveythign it takes to survive. I am greatful for everything I have and deserv e to have. I am thankful for God letting us live on this beautiful world.

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This article has 1 comment.

Yashvi said...
on Sep. 11 2017 at 12:18 pm
Mind blowing