Enviromental solutions | Teen Ink

Enviromental solutions

April 1, 2024
By Anonymous

So many issues, so many problems. Instead of solving all the issues, what about going for the cause? Humans. Imposing numerous regulations that control pollution, carbon dioxide emissions, deforestation, and more. Solving the current issues will only help for a short time, while solving the cause will last forever. 

Due to carbon emission regulations being introduced in the last two decades, greenhouse gas emissions in the United States have decreased 2.3 percent in the last 20 years. Instead of solving the problems caused by carbon dioxide emissions such as global warming, we have introduced low-carbon devices to help solve the cause of global warming, which is more sustainable. An increased number of these regulations can all work together to decrease the negative impact of humans on the environment. 

The Great Pacific Garbage patch is the largest collection of trash in the ocean. While getting rid of the patch has an immediate effect on the surrounding environment, it does not permanently remove it. With more and more people polluting the ocean every day, who’s to say that it won’t re-form in a couple of years? The regulations will provide a sustainable framework for humans to then solve the individual problems humans are creating. 

With unlimited money and resources, these regulations would have no negative impact on society. The economy would still be as it is, with the regulations not having a negative impact on it. The government would be able to reduce the taxes of each company that is regulated, to make sure the companies don’t get in a bad financial situation. 

creating regulations on large companies would help the Earth become healthier and help sustain it by solving the cause, not the problem. With unlimited resources and money, these regulations would have no negative impact on people

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