let's keep the earth green | Teen Ink

let's keep the earth green

April 22, 2009
By DJOrlandy BRONZE, Newark, New Jersey
DJOrlandy BRONZE, Newark, New Jersey
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
go hard or go home

Today on this rainy afternoon I sit writing on my laptop this essay before you and look to my right and see something in the sight of a thousand backyards only three non grape trees and I think to myself what will this world of our the only world of ours be if we do not plant trees and have lawns instead of little strips of grass popping through the concrete. And then I see right in front of my me a black ocean world with a skull and cross bones population: 0 were are the human race well the few that survive are in a spaceship lost in the endless space wondering for that new plant to call earth but sadly no other place is clean enough and has the same oxygen as earth everyone is just staring through a little window till there slow painful death has come and gone all the children have cried for so long that because there time here on earth was so little. But now what was once call home is a sad memory but we have the power to stop that all from happening if we take out the concrete floor in back yard plant some flowers and if we plant some in the play ground less children will be sent to nurse also you can skip the floor decorations. And have a specific competition were the class that picks up or sweep etc. the most trash gets a prize like a picnic to the park or get a uniform code relax day. Also if we save water then we will save on bills and water won’t have to be reuse for the fifth time. So think about everyone alive from that unicellular organism to the all rich and mighty Donald trumpet. Please for the sake of all living cells on earth go green or go to a new planet.

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