Christmas in Need | Teen Ink

Christmas in Need

March 10, 2015
By mirandahadley BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
mirandahadley BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Christmas: the holiday that everyone loves and enjoys. Who doesn't love the holiday season? Everything about the month of December is thrilling. The twinkling flashes that cover the houses down the street and the green trees that shine brightly in the living room window. And the boxes wrapped in colorful paper hide those special items that were delivered by the jolly fat man in the red suit, who somehow seems to fit perfectly in that skinny chimney every year. Along with freezing weather that causes everyone to bundle up in layers of clothing and snuggle by the fireplace. Like I said, everyone loves Christmas, right?

Before I took part in Adopt a Family, an organization designed to help families in need by purchasing gifts that they're unable to buy themselves, I truly believed that the holidays were celebrated by everyone. I didn't realize that the people who were struggling financially had different feelings towards Christmas. It wasn't until I was given a Christmas list that had all the things that a teenager was asking for: bathing essentials. Seeing this list that consisted of such simple things, things that I take for granted every day was what altered my truth about December 25th. That limited list exposed the real facts about Christmas. Adopt a Family revealed to me that there are families out there who don't get to to experience the rush of excitement you get when tearing away that wrapping paper or the feeling of pure happiness when singing along with your family to Elvis as his mesmerizing voice fills the room with the sweet melodies of the season. They, instead, struggle to provide for their families during the month of December.

Adopt a Family has taught me to be grateful for the Christmas that I get to experience with my family and to also view December 25th as a blessing. The Christmas lights that are displayed throughout my home, the decorations that fill my living room, the gifts under the brightly lit Christmas tree are what I learn to appreciate every year. And I give all my thanks to the Adopt a Family program for providing me with the valuable lesson of the real truth about the holiday season.

That one list is what changed my life for the better. I hope that there is a list in your life that helps you realize that there is struggle in this world. And I hope that a list or something that shows the poverty that exists today is exactly the kind of push you need to make a difference in someones life.  

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