The Inn of the Good shepherd | Teen Ink

The Inn of the Good shepherd

March 15, 2012
By Ineka BRONZE, Sarnia, Other
Ineka BRONZE, Sarnia, Other
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
#1. Yes you can!
#2. Make a difference
#3. God loves you

My school goes and helps out at this food place called the Inn of the Good Shepherd. We go there two times a year. It is a great way to feel that you are helping the world be a better place one step at a time. The Inn is a place where people who can’t really afford to buy food for themselves come and receive free meals two times a day. It is fun collecting canned goods to give to the Inn so they can keep doing what they do. We did a project at my school called the Parable of the Talents. Our teacher would give each person in the class a five dollar bill. He told us to multiply that bill as many times as we could. He gave us two weeks. We all came back, and as a total, we raised oner a thousand dollars for The Inn of the Good Shepherd.

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