Smiling Faces | Teen Ink

Smiling Faces

February 10, 2012
By Kimberly Anderson BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
Kimberly Anderson BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
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I’ll never forget the looks on the children’s faces as they entered the room full of strangers. As I sat on a blanket full of books, I wondered if any kids would pick me to be their reading buddy. At first, they seemed shy, nervous, and a little scared.
This was my first time volunteering at Read to Me through Interact at my school in Phoenix, and I did not know what to expect. Before they opened the doors to let the eager children through, I helped set up tables and books. I quickly found one of my favorite childhood books and became excited to be able to read it to a child in need.
Once they opened the doors, I watched as many children scurried their way around the room like curious puppies searching for the perfect person to read with. For the first few minutes, the children seemed to walk right passed me, and then I saw a couple of young boys make their way to my spot. I gave them a warm smile as they asked, “can you read with us?”
I accepted their request and started reading the book they had chosen. I have to admit, I was a little disappointed that they didn’t want to read the book I had selected, but oh well. Overall they did amazing reading the book they had.
As the night progressed, I realized that, for many of the children, these were the only times they got the experience of being read to. Even though it seemed a little somber, I was glad to share that experience with those children. I will never forget those smiling faces that lit up the room that night!

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