Overthinking | Teen Ink


October 6, 2015
By Anonymous

You see a kid getting bullied. You think to yourself "hey, that's mean, someone should stop him." But you continue walking. Did your thoughts make that bully stop? Or would have it been better to say something to the bully? What you do is more important than what you think because your actions could help someone else as well as yourself.

Although most would prefer to not get between a bully and his/her victim, stopping that bully could really save that person. If you see someone being bullied don't just think  about how sad it is, step in and help, especially if you see that same person being bullied everyday.

Also, advocating for yourself is important. If someone is bullying you or talking down to you, stand up for yourself. Don't let yourself be bullied and just sit and think about what you COULD do. Stand up to the bully, and help yourself.

"Actions speak louder than words." This quote also goes to prove what you do is more important than what you think. Doing instead of thinking, can help others and also help yourself.

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This article has 1 comment.

tyler48iss said...
on Oct. 13 2015 at 12:21 pm
0 articles 0 photos 2 comments
i don't like this because i don't think it says enough about the bullying problem in the u.s. there are lots of kids killing thereselves beause of this bs