Gone Because of Bullying | Teen Ink

Gone Because of Bullying

January 7, 2015
By Skylar19 BRONZE, Bermuda Dunes, California
Skylar19 BRONZE, Bermuda Dunes, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Kids all over the world are bullied every single day. Why? What’s the point. Is it to make yourself feel better? Do you have problems at home? That's no reason to make someone feel worthless. In the end it's going to be all your fault, then you're going to look back and say "Man, I'm was horrible person." Trust me that's not what you want.

Today, too many people of all ages are bullied. Every 30 seconds one commits suicide. For everyone who commits at least 20 or more attempt. The main cause of teen's deaths today is suicide, and the main cause of that? Bullying. No matter who you are you have been a bully at least twice in your life. There are many different types of bullies and bullying. Cyber bullying, Physical bullying, Verbal bullying.

Bullying can lead to many things drugs, alcohol, self harm, depression, and suicide. Which can result in someone getting seriously injured or death. It gets to the point where they think that hurting themselves is the only answer. If someone messes up and someone picks on them for it over and over again it makes the victim feel that way. That they are worthless and don’t matter. They lose their friends and respect all because of one mistake. Your life is going to be full of mistakes and that's how you learn.

Normally when someone is a victim of bullying they want you to tell the school, the teachers, your parents. But no one actually knows what you're going through because it's not being done to them it's being done to that one kid who made one mistake, or didn't even do anything they just look the way they look or act the way they act and they are being themselves. There is no reason to call someone names or bring them down because they where being themselves. Sometimes even the parents are the child’s bully.

An example of parental bully would be Leelah (Josh) Alcorn, 17 year old transgender female with so much life ahead of her. Her parents where Christian and when Leelah told them that she was gay they said "It's just a phase". Leelah lost friends, faith in her parents, and hope. Her parents took her computer and phone away and forbid her of having any social media. She spent the summer alone in her room completely isolated by her parents. Dec. 28, 2014 Leelah committed suicide. Her parents still refer to her as their 'son' and won't accept who she really wanted to be.

Amanda Todd is another example, only it was a major cyber bully event. She made one mistake and it haunted her for a long time. She got called names and moved schools, she got beat up and lost all of her friends. She didn't want to take it anymore. Oct. 10th of 2012 at age 15 committed.

How would you feel to know that that one person you picked you made them feel worthless and gave them anxiety and/or depression. How would you feel to know that you drove someone to suicide.

If you are a are being bullied or have been a victim of being bullied you need to tell someone. It gets better, you just have to push through that rough spot and I promise you will make it. "Never be bullied into silence. Never allow yourself to be made a victim. Accept no ones definition of your life; define yourself." -Harvey Feirstein

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This article has 3 comments.

Skyrock said...
on Jan. 28 2015 at 1:25 pm
Skyrock, Elizabeth, New Jersey
0 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"do what you wanna do , its your world "

this made me cry

Isaiah said...
on Jan. 22 2015 at 10:39 am
Its sad how kids these days get bullied for ridiculous reason i wish people could just be kind.

Brandon said...
on Jan. 15 2015 at 9:27 am
Good article no Great article I was bullied I know what some of these kids are going through the first thing I did was tell someone and the some what made it better, again great article