It Gets Better | Teen Ink

It Gets Better

December 22, 2013
By JaycobA. GOLD, Lebanon OR., Oregon
JaycobA. GOLD, Lebanon OR., Oregon
18 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
No one alive can tell you that you are wrong for loving who you love. Regardless of if they are the same or a different gender. Love is love no matter what form it's in.

I know it's a line that everyone says but believe me. I'm living proof that it's true. This is how I learned this.

Whenever someone used to say this to me I used to think "Okay, well when does it. So far it hasn't and I think you are lying." I never said anything though. I was bullied from a young age up until about eighth grade.

When I was younger I just turned to my friend and was able to find comfort with her help. In fifth grade she left so I was alone. The bullying kept going on until I was at my breaking point. All I wanted to do was break down. It got so bad that at one point I was considering suicide.

When I got to my darkest point, when I just wanted to die, I would miss school for days in a row. I would cry myself to sleep. I would even start to plan how I would do it. One night when I thought that it would be my last night I wrote a note. I stopped after I wrote it and decided not tonight because I thought the note was to impersonal. I decided that I would go to school and say my final goodbyes to my friends.

When I got to school I saw my friends. They all seemed normal while I was thinking "this is my last day." I realized that I couldn't say anything to them. Later that night I thought that there had to be a different way.

Later that night I cut for the first time. It helped me not want to die. It helped me but not a lot. I still just wanted to die.

I kept my note for a long time in case I decided to do it. I just couldn't though. I just couldn't say what I wanted to in that note.

After a while I started to lean on my friends who where going through the same thing. Realizing that there where people going through the same thing made it feel like I wasn't so alone. Also knowing that someone cared helped so much.

Honestly they didn't know that I was teetering on that edge. Without knowing it they saved my life. I want to thank them because without them I would probably not be here. I not going to say that everything's fine now. Sometimes it's just plain hard but I think of the people who card enough to be there and it helps me get by.

So I will say it gets better you just need those friends who will be there. Also if you know anyone who is depressed just be there for them. You could save their life. If you need someone to talk to please comment.

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