Cliques | Teen Ink


December 20, 2013
By Conner Beth Ball BRONZE, Madison, Mississippi
Conner Beth Ball BRONZE, Madison, Mississippi
4 articles 0 photos 1 comment

How many of you speak to different people everyday? How many of you just stay in your same little group and never think to look outside it for some clarity. In high school we resort to cliques because they are comfortable. It's healthy to have group of friends but at some point it becomes to sheltered. There are always the popular clique, the next-best clique, the slutty girls, the athletes, the nerds, and the glee group. I hate cliques and groups. But not just one person can stand up and overturn a society filled with them! There would be no bullying. There would be no "leaving someone out." If there was no cliques there would be no reason to talk behind someones back, or to be purposefully mean to someone. Lets all make a stand and try not to be so cliquish. Make it your pact everyday to invite someone new to come and sit with you at lunch or hang out with you during break. You could be the leader for more people in your school to follow after you. Don't be a Bystander. Make your Stand today.

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