Labeled | Teen Ink


May 11, 2013
By TearsofJesus GOLD, Knoxville, Tennessee
TearsofJesus GOLD, Knoxville, Tennessee
11 articles 0 photos 3 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I don't love you because you're beautiful. You're beatiful because I love you."
"I'm human so I must be labeled"

You say I'm emo
Because I have actual feelings instead of being shallow
Because instead of holding in my tears, I cry into my pillow
Because I like loud music instead of pop
Because I cut myself and don't wear tank tops
Because I like black instead of white
Because I act like me and not your prototype
Because I frown instead of plaster a fake smile on my face
Because I plan my suicide instead of my first date
Because I don't have friends or an entourage
Because I write dark poems instead of a bright collage
Maybe if you didn't hate me, these things I wouldn't do
But go ahead and label me, I would rather be emo than fake like you

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