A Hero Will Rise | Teen Ink

A Hero Will Rise

May 24, 2012
By mcwoods BRONZE, Groton, Connecticut
mcwoods BRONZE, Groton, Connecticut
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
I don't need easy, I just need possible

People believe bullying can go away easily, but it is a time consuming and hard process. Lectures and lessons on bullying being presented in schools is obviously not working because bullying issues are still quickly rising. We need something far better than a presentation, a sad story, or a speaker to terminate this issue. We need a greater force, some authority, something with a voice, willing to be strong and bold, and someone to do the right thing, to save others. That person is a hero.
A hero is defined as “a man of distinguished courage or ability, admired for his brave deeds and noble qualities” (dictionary.com). This definition is more describing the qualities of a superhero, not an average person or student. This does not mean the hero must be a male, or has to show bravery twenty-four seven, have a six-pack, or be honored daily on a podium by the mayor. Also, a hero doesn’t need a mask, a cape, or special powers. What we need is a person, with just enough courage to stand up for that split second, to declare that bullying is not okay.
A personal experience I had with heroism occured this past summer. At the camp first dinner, I noticed a girl was sitting all alone. I invited her over to our table because there was an open seat and I don’t like when people sit alone. My roommate next to me said under her breath “Ugh! She’s here again?” as other members gasped and giggled. Dinner went on as usual with small talk but that was all. After dinner, I found out last year the girl had a panic attack and cried in front of everyone.
For the first night, we were playing usual camp games in our cabin when suddenly her attack came up again. People were laughing but a new friend, Sophie, and I exchanged glances. Sophie said something like this, “Hey guys, why don’t you just knock it off. Seriously, what she does is none of your business and you have no right to tease her about it. What would you do if your Mom was just rushed to the hospital?” It was quiet for two minutes, with a few murmurs of “oh I didn’t know that” and “oops” and then someone shut the lights off and everyone went to bed.

From Sophie’s act of bravery and heroism, I get my inspiration to stand up to bullies and people not doing the right thing. I have also learned not to make judgments and catch people in the act when they are doing so. Sophie’s few little words I’m sure have made an impact on all my roommates who have also sometime have probably stood up for something they knew was not right. Heroes hold the world together by doing the right thing and having a voice for those who are scared to speak.

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