Why Music Makes Us Happy | Teen Ink

Why Music Makes Us Happy

June 2, 2017
By Mariacheryl BRONZE, Meadville, Pennsylvania
Mariacheryl BRONZE, Meadville, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

My heart raced so fast I could feel it beating all the way to my toes. Right then, the stadium lights went black and as they flickered back on, bright blue, I could see him. The music began, cancelling out the crowds chants. The lyrics swirled around me, wrapping me up like a warm blanket. I felt so at home, everyone around me smiling, singing the same words. It occurred to me then, that not one person seemed sad or out of place. It was like the music had everyone in a trance, that I couldn’t figure out why anyone would want to snap out of.

So I decided to share with you, why music makes us so happy. When we eat, sleep, or exercise, the brain releases a “feel good” neurochemical that's called dopamine. It just so happens, the same chemical is released while listening to music. Studies show, that different amounts of the chemical are released depending on how you are listening to the music. Whether it's going to a concert or staying up until midnight to hear your favorite artist’s new song. Aside from making us feel uplifted and content, it can even improve our health. Listening to music excites the nervous system, which controls your blood pressure and heart rate. It has been proven in multiple studies done by Bradt and Dileo on heart disease patients to improve heart rate, while reducing their blood pressure and anxiety. This was successful as long as they were listening to upbeat music.

You can try this by listening to music everyday. Start with as little as 25 minutes a day, which can prevent back pain and help you sleep better. Keep this up for at least 10 days if you can, to see better results. Play music while exercising, and while working or studying. Jazz music will relax you and reduce anxiety. Heavy metal can improve your sense of identity and make you more self aware. Classical music can deter and even prevent crime. Rap fights depression. Pop can improve your workout endurance. Country can improve your happiness. Music is how we communicate, it connects us in ways we couldn’t do without it, and it brings us together. Don’t believe me? Try it.

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