Don't be Afraid | Teen Ink

Don't be Afraid

January 8, 2016
By Hank-Philpott SILVER, Houston, Texas
Hank-Philpott SILVER, Houston, Texas
5 articles 6 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Even a broken clock is right twice a day.

When looking around us, we many times fail to realize the multitudes of people that walk by us. All of these people are trying to achieve the same thing in life, success. How do we overcome the billions of people in the world that are trying to achieve the same goal? The answer is quite simple. Be yourself because each and everyone of us is truly unique. There is no exact replica of you in the world, you are your own person. Never try to be exactly like someone else. Find qualities in the people that have had most success in this world and try and obtain those qualities while still being your own person. Never let someone tell you who you should be or control your actions. The truth is that the only thing that separates the 7 billion people on this earth is your individuality and uniqueness. Be yourself around everyone at all times and the people that like you for your true character will become your close friends. Never be afraid to show who you are in fear that people won’t accept you. We all were created differently for a reason. Don’t worry if you are not the best basketball player or football. You posses qualities in life that those people don’t even have a taste of. Always express your true qualities and never be afraid of what others think. You will find your true friends by in people that like you for your personality that is unique to yourself.

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