gun control | Teen Ink

gun control

January 10, 2013
By will_1863 BRONZE, Sumas, Washington
will_1863 BRONZE, Sumas, Washington
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Since the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting (which I also send my condolences to the families who were involved) I have heard lots about gun control and how we should make guns harder to come by. I believe that this is a good start toward helping our country move forward but I don’t think that making guns illegal would salve anything. I believe that we (the citizens of the USA) should take it upon ourselves and educate our children that firearms are not weapons! Weapons are what the military use to protect our country, firearms are nothing more than tools of our society that we use to hunt and target shoot with, they are no different than chain saws or even hammers. I don’t believe people understand that someone could of gone into a school, mall, or movie theater and caused tones of damage with something other than a firearm. In our society when people look at firearm, we see seal team 6 going into Binladens compound or mentally unstable stable people shooting innocent people up in public places. That is not the purpose of firearms even though that’s what people are starting to think of when they think of them. There are so many awesome things people can do with firearms its unbelievable! There are plenty of competitions and even hunting. To me America is about being free and able to do things other people can’t, so to support our second amendment I believe education is the best way to stop this kind of violence in our country.

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