Nothing but a Memory | Teen Ink

Nothing but a Memory

October 10, 2011
By Severance BRONZE, Manor, Texas
Severance BRONZE, Manor, Texas
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Demons feed on our fear and our doubts. They push to the brink until we stop pushing back. They whisper bloody lies into your ears, ones that say that you have no choice. They do what they can to destroy your ambitions and your great loves. They crush what happiness they can and tell you that there's no hope. Well, I'm here to tell you that these monsters are empowered by you. They can only speak to you if you listen. They can only hurt you if you invite them. Oh, but you say, "I never wanted this. I never said that it could hurt me." Let me tell you that your actions speak louder than your words. You let them in. You signed over control of yourself to them. You can't ever show weakness, because these deceitful beings will waste no time in exploiting them. Never show fear, because fear is what calls them to you. Take up arms and fight them back. Take back what is rightfully yours. I know what I'm talking about, because I'm here right now, fighting the good fight. Destroying the fears of doubts that spread throughout my mind. I'm containing the flames, because I can't afford to let them spread, lest they destroy all that I stand for. For I will not fall for anything, but for my better judgement.


The author's comments:
I wrote this piece because I was thinking about how people abandon their ambitions for whatever reason, and I realized that I've done the same thing. We probably all have. I realized that we don't always have a good reason, besides that fact that people or doubts push us down and strip away our will to achieve our goals. I hope that people will realize that you shouldn't listen to what others say when they're trying to burying your ambitions, whether it's a person or a doubt.

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