What's a day like in the life of Taylor Swift? | Teen Ink

What's a day like in the life of Taylor Swift?

April 13, 2011
By MaySi BRONZE, Sandy, Utah
MaySi BRONZE, Sandy, Utah
1 article 1 photo 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"If I had to choose between loving you and breathing, I would use my last breath to say I love you"<3
"Do humming birds hum because they don't know the words?"
"If winning isn't important why do they keep score?"

Dear Taylor Swift,
You are completely amazing, I look up to you so much. I was just wondering what your perspective is like on your life compared to what I see. I want to know what you think about some stuff and just get to more know about you. Here are some of my questions:
What got you started into singing? Any specific event that you can remember?
Do you ever regret becoming famous?
Where is your favorite place to write music? Who is the first person you usually share your music with?
Honestly, do you like having the press around?
Do you like acting, or would you rather stick to singing?
Do you have lots of your old friends from your hometown, or are you mostly friends with other Hollywood actors/actress'?
Do you ever get bored like we do here?
Would you say you have a pretty normal life?
Thanks so much for listening and taking time to read this letter. I'll be interested to see your answers. (If you get this)
From your fan.

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