I HEART BOOBIES Bracelets Banned From CCUSD | Teen Ink

I HEART BOOBIES Bracelets Banned From CCUSD

November 30, 2010
By sunshine724 BRONZE, Cave Creek, Arizona
sunshine724 BRONZE, Cave Creek, Arizona
2 articles 1 photo 0 comments

Honestly, did you know that breast cancer is the leading cancer among American women? Thousands of moms, aunts, sisters, grandmas, daughters, and loved ones have died because of this type of cancer. There has been many ways to raise awareness about breast cancer, but finally there is something that will truly get people’s attention. Recently, bracelets that say “I (HEART) BOOBIES” have become the new hot trend among teens. These rubber bracelets, much like the “Live strong” ones, were made by the organization Keep a Breast. Across the country these bracelets are being sold in all malls. Teens are dying for these bracelets, they are the hot new trend, but some kids wear them for reasons other than that their friends do. But, recently these breast cancer-supporting bracelets have been banned and asked not to be worn in school districts all over the country. One district that has asked for them not to be worn, and is taking them away, is our very own, the Cave Creek Unified School District. Kids in the Cave Creek Unified School District should be able to wear the “I (Heart) Boobies” bracelets to school because they raise money and awareness of and for this type of cancer, some teens wear them to show respect to someone who has breast cancer or is deceased from it, they are not distracting, and “boobies” is not a bad word.
The “I Heart Boobies” bracelets are definitely a trend, but do not underestimate the power of raising awareness through this trend. This new revelation is showing up on both girl’s and boy’s wrists all over the country. On the back side of the bracelet, there is a breast cancer website, which teens can go on and learn more about breast cancer. The purpose of these bracelets is also to start a conversation on this both deadly and serious topic. Young adults need to be aware of this! The idea to make these bracelets to spread awareness is working; more than 2 million bracelets have already been sold!
It is absolutely cruel to take away these bracelets, as some people wear them in showing respect to a loved one who has breast cancer or is deceased from it. Is that morally right? About 1 in 8 women in the U.S. will develop invasive breast cancer over the course of her lifetime, according to Breastcancer.org. Derek Haboush, a student at Cactus Shadows High School, wore one of these bracelets to simply show respect to a diseased loved one from breast cancer, but soon found out that he could no longer wear it, as they were banned from his school. I believe that this is heart wrenching, especially because many people know someone who has passed away from breast cancer, and wear the bracelets for that reason.
These small bracelets supporting this cause are actually not distracting at all in school. Some school administrators and parents believe that these bracelets are distracting in school. But, do they really know the truth? Are they in the classroom for seven hours a day like we are? The answer is no. A student at Cactus Shadows quotes, “As a student and someone who wears these bracelets, I can confirm that there are very minimal distractions caused by these bracelets.” This student sees it everyday, first hand, so is a reliable source on this information. The truth of the matter is that teens do not stop in the middle of class to go, “Look at my I Heart Boobies bracelet!” In the end, it is just a myth; these harmless bracelets are not distracting.
Is “boobies” really an inappropriate, foul word? Some parents and harsh school administrators may think so. For the most part, teens and adults are the main people who wear these bracelets. Therefore, they all know about breasts and the slang word for them, “boobies”. It is just another slang word that kids use these days! One student states, “What else should we call it? I Heart Breast? Fine, just don’t take the bracelets away.” These bracelets mean more than just a trend to some kids, and just because it has the word “boobies” on it, they should be banned from school? No! Teens use extremely worse slang then the word “boobies”. Trust me, as a student at a middle school; I hear way worse slang words being used. In addition, would the bracelets sell as well if they said “I (Heart) Breast”? I do not think so. Teens, well teen boys at least, like the idea of wearing something that says “boobies” on it. It is a funnier, and more youth- appealing way to get a message out. As you can see, the word “boobies” is okay, and these bracelets should be allowed to be worn in schools all over the country.
Why should teens in the Cave Creek Unified School District be able to wear the I Heart Boobies bracelets to school? First off, they raise a massive amount of awareness and money of and for breast cancer. Second, some teens wear these bracelets to show respect to a loved one who has breast cancer, or passed away from it. We need to let them do that. Next, according to students, these bracelets are actually not distracting in class. Lastly, the word “boobies” is not inappropriate for teens in school. Breast cancer kills more than 1,000 women every month, and we need to raise awareness and money for this cancer so we can find a cure! Think about it, it is just a disease. There are millions of people trying to make a difference so we can find a cure, against one cancer. We can do it! In conclusion, these powerful I Heart Boobies bracelets should be allowed to be worn in the Cave Creek Unified School District.

The author's comments:
I feel very strongly about this subject, so I wrote my persuasive essay for school about this topic.

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This article has 1 comment.

on May. 30 2016 at 5:21 am
Informative blog!! Breast cancer awareness campaign has been very effective over the years which brings a disease that was once taboo to talk about into the limelight and making it one of the most well-funded cancer causes in the nation. Breast cancer awareness wristbands that gives your message the power it deserves.