Music | Teen Ink


March 11, 2010
By Jonhh BRONZE, Albuquerque, New Mexico
Jonhh BRONZE, Albuquerque, New Mexico
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Life is ganna suck when you grow up"

One of the things that I treasure the most in my life is music. I love listening to it, I love making my own music, I even love making random stuff and throwing it together so it sounds really cool. Music has inspired humans for thousands of years. Maybe even since the beginning of humans. It inspires my actions almost all the time nearly every day.

Music first became important to me when I could first understand what it meant. It was my first visit to my dad’s house in Dallas, Texas. He had music on all the time unlike my mom at home. I would listen to it all the time and I found that it actually helped me do stuff like sleeping or running, and many other things. I now listen to it almost 24/7. It can set the mood for my day. I am not the only one that listens or makes music on a regular basis. People in Africa make music. Even though there’s might not be as high tech as ours it still has very much meaning to them.

I began to take an interest in music when I was about 7 or 8. Did you know that some of our best music producers started making music when they could first be in band or even before that? Teachers then had music on while in class so that we could work better. When at home I listen to my I-pod and radio when I’m doing my homework. I can do almost anything faster when I’m listening to music. Music can also help me think faster and be more accurate on math and things as such.

In the future I hope to be strongly involved in music. I wish to be a song writer or even a producer. I can guarantee that music is one of the best things that has ever happened to the human race. 99.9% of people listen or even make music. Most of our famous people are only known for their songs. I hope to be one of them. Music can make you a – lot of money the better you are at it.

Music inspires me and most people almost all day every day. Music tends to express peoples feelings in a stronger way then just saying them. For example, how many love songs have you heard in your life? People breaking up and getting back together can all be expressed through song. Even religion has its own music bands and groups.

The author's comments:
Final draft for English class assighment.

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