Love Is... | Teen Ink

Love Is...

February 10, 2010
By Sara-Lynn SILVER, Gouldsboro, Maine
Sara-Lynn SILVER, Gouldsboro, Maine
5 articles 0 photos 9 comments

Favorite Quote:
"There are no such thing as good girls gone bad, just bad girls found out"

What is love? I don't know...and I bet you don't either. So how is it that one person can judge another because of who they love? She loves another girl, so she is wrong, he loves another boy, so he's no longer my friend...what's the difference between loving someone of the opposite gender, and someone of the same? Honestly...I can't think of anything besides the way you have sex. Love is unconditional, to be treasured, not discriminated against. No one can live without love, and when people make fun of and ridicule other people because of who they love, they are taking away someone else's happiness...their love.

The author's comments:
I don't have a reason why I wrote's just the way I feel. If you don't agree, well then that is your own choice, and I will not judge you because of it, that's just you. And this is just me.

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