STANDUP Act | Teen Ink


January 22, 2010
By asialynn BRONZE, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
asialynn BRONZE, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments


I agree with most of the requirements in the STANDUP Act. The STANDUP act has a prohibition on nighttime driving, a passenger restriction, bans the use of cell phones, and a driver can only get an unrestricted license at the age of 18. However, I do not agree with some of these requirements. I do not think that a teenager should wait until they are 18 to get an unrestricted license. I think you should be able to get an unrestricted license after one year of driving if you are under the age of 18. I also do not agree with the requirement that a 16 year old cannot drive with more than one person under the age of 21. In reality, how many teenage drives actually abide by this rule? Also, if a teenage driver can get an unrestricted license at the age of 18, then the age should be lowered to 18. In addition, there may be certain circumstances where there has to be more than on non-familial passenger. In opposition to what I do not agree with, there is one major requirement I do agree with: no cell phone use. I feel that using a cell phone while driving, no matter what the age, is extremely dangerous. Not only does it harm the driver, but it also puts other drivers at risk. While using a phone it shows neglect to attention that should be paid towards the road and surrounding drivers. In conclusion, I agree with STANDUP Act, however I do feel as if some requirements should be reformed, yet not completely taken away.

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