Make-up and Fashion! Whats going on out there? | Teen Ink

Make-up and Fashion! Whats going on out there?

October 23, 2009
By Delilah BRONZE, Pt Charlote, Florida
Delilah BRONZE, Pt Charlote, Florida
3 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Make-up and fashion

Choices, there are so many. Just look down the isle marked beauty and make-up and you will see an assortment of colors and the greatest brand name items. Color combinations for certain products like eye-shadow range from pink and purple to yellow and blue.
Every women/girl can be hiding a certain beauty behind our faces. Not just our outward beauty but also our inward. You see, beauty can range from Americas Next Top Model to So You Think You Can Dance, with different ranges of great talents and great looks. Everyone has a total different definition of beauty, and yours could be found here! To start with, the makeup isle is not a criminal justice center! Don’t be afraid to even lightly tap your face with some makeup! Makeup is not something to cover your face, for it is something to enhance the beauty you already hold, and just make it stand out even more! Let me introduce you to something called eyeliner, one of the most seen and important aspects of makeup. It perfectly lines your eyes bringing them out, and is found in various colors. Powder and foundation, just mainly used to soften your skin and cover it with a thin layer of natural looking cosmetics.
Can I tell you a bit about blush? Well, it is something that is also mainly important in the world of makeup and beauty. It softens your face with a red-brown blending color, used to make your cheekbone stand out to its fullest, and if you have high cheeks, it makes them come alive! But you have to be careful with your choice of color for cheeks, for really light or extremely dark blushes make the face look artificial and totally unrealistic!
Many people don’t use this, but eyebrow pencil is so important! It really does help if eyebrows are plucked before the pencil is applied. The pencil is lightly filling in scars or hair loss in the eyebrows, and plucking just shapes so perfectly!
Eye shadow is something that is usually mistaken and is applied very wrong! It should be applied like the picture below. IT should be applied with a light color at the very top by the eyebrow, with the darker color bringing out the crease in the eyelid and then a medium – light color covering the bottom of the eyelid. Some people even like to put a bit of the lighter or medium color under their eye, just for a hint of color.

Last but NEVER least, mascara! It is very close to the eye, I know but it is a perfect finishing touch that adds depth and light to your face! The eyelashes could be curled first with and eyelash curler but sometimes, all you need is a touch of maskera.

Okay, now that I have taken you through the basic steps of make up, its time to talk fashion! Fashion for teenagers is usually the casual t-shirt and jeans, but with us Cosmo girls, that is a totally different subject! I have created a step-by-step instruction page on how to create the perfect outfit! I will share some of it with you now.
Pink dresses are amazing, although all colors will work. A dress with the length to the knee and a V-neck is perfect; if you are not allowed to wear Vnecks on their own, get a black tank to go under it.
Shorts under the dress for oops moments, is a suggestion that should be thought of before going out of the house and bending over.
Curl the hair and apply make-up to match the dress, like pink eye-shadow for a pink dress.
Put a black half-jacket on, and do not button any buttons if there are any on there.
Paint the finger and toenails and put on your best black heals, just make sure the match first!
Pick a black purse, and a few accessories, like large square earrings.
Get out of the house and rack up the comments! You are a complete beauty!

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