Down by the River | Teen Ink

Down by the River

May 25, 2018
By roffinator245 BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
roffinator245 BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Hello my name is Joshua Green I’m going to tell you a story. But first I need to tell you a little about my self. I am 28, I’m y’all or so people say and I’m very socially active in school and out of school. So back to the story it all started when I was 18. I was still in high school, a senior to be in fact. It was the beginning of senior year everybody was upset to come back but happy to see their friends. I had a small group of best friends I would always eat hangout with there was Jimmy, Henry, and Gregory. Jimmy and Henry lived in my neighborhood so I hung out with them all summer. But I only saw Gregory a couple of time that summer. Said he was buys most of the days.

So in my home room I saw Jimmy was in there with me and that was awesome and in my 4th block I had Henry in my class but I didn’t see Gregory in any of my classes it was a little weird at first but I just thought maybe I didn’t have any classes with him that day. But the next day he wasn’t in any of my classes and I asked around if anybody has seen him but nobody has. That night I tried to text and call him but no response...

Now I never really knew his parents he said they weren’t the best parents and he only lived with his mother, he never told me what happened to his father. But I drove over to his house and knocked on the door. Nobody answered for a while but then the door cracked and a women’s voice came through. She said “hello who are you” I told her who I was and that I was looking for Gregory. She explained that after they had a fight he disappeared and she hasn’t seen him in a couple of days. she thought he had been saying with me or another friend. I told her I knew where he was so he didn’t get in trouble but inside I knew something was wrong.

I looked everywhere for him and it was going nowhere. So I met up with Jimmy and Henry to search for him. We tracked his phone and saw that he was down by the creek we used to fish at. So we all drove down there and walked to the location of his phone. We found this phone but not his we didn’t get the cops involved because we though maybe he forgot it there. Ok now we need to take a break, ok now this isn’t a story with a happy ending so if that what you want do not read the next part.

As we walked down the river we came to a clearing were we used to hangout during the summer. We all were shocked at what we saw. It was Gregory laying face down in a pool of blood. At that moment we called the cops, we didn’t know what to do. As the cops arrived they asked us a lot of question after that we all drove home in shock. Now back to the present 10 years later his name came on the news. It said “mother arrested for sons murder” so many emotions came to me. But I was kind of satisfying. Now that I look back at it I should have know it was her the way she talk to me that day. But I’m glad now that the mystery is over. And I need to move on and forget about the day I found my best friend dead.

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