The Flight | Teen Ink

The Flight

May 13, 2018
By ehaze3 BRONZE, North Sioux City, South Dakota
ehaze3 BRONZE, North Sioux City, South Dakota
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

It was a very rainy and stormy night in Jamaica, the night was very gloomy and the air was muggy. A college basketball team from Washington decided to play an exhibition game against a small college in Jamaica to raise money for the country, who had been struggling financially. They ended up raising a whopping $100,000.
The team was in the airport, all excited to get back to their families whom they have missed. Their flight was almost delayed because of the weather, but they thought it would not be a problem, so they decided to proceed with the same flight time. The team got on the plane, and as always, people stared at them because of how tall they were.
When the plane first took off, the pilot came on the intercom,
“Good evening passengers, there may be some bad weather, but I will try to make this flight as smooth as possible.” the pilot said.
“Oh, great.” The head coach of the basketball team said as he was reading his book.
“Is there a problem, sir?” The flight attendant asked.
“Did you know that cell phones have more germs on them than toilet seats?” Said the head coach.
The head coach of the team always read strange books and learned the most random facts.
About an hour into the flight, the passengers started to feel some bad turbulence. The pilot came on the intercom again in a panicking voice,
“Passengers, the plane is going down! Prepare for crash!”
“WHAT?” One passenger yelled.
“No!!” Another passenger screamed.
The plane was dropping quickly, and everyone started panicking. Everyone was thinking, “Are we going to die?” Although the plane was dropping very quickly, it felt as if it was dropping in slow motion. After another two minutes, the plane started getting closer and closer to the ground, and it was just a matter of time before the plane was going to hit the ground.

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