A Malicious Manor | Teen Ink

A Malicious Manor

May 15, 2017
By ArlJay BRONZE, Lenexa, Kansas
ArlJay BRONZE, Lenexa, Kansas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

250 years ago a somewhat cruel queen named Lillian III executed a woman without a trial. Since she didn’t give her a trial she didn’t know that it was the wrong woman. The woman was beheaded instead of her sister who had been charged with treason, murder, and thievery. Right before this woman met her inevitable death by the guillotine she yelled her last words.

“Beidh mé ar ais i dhá chéad bliain a ullmhú mar sin!” she yelled as the blade cut her neck.

The royal adviser at the time said that she was speaking Irish an it translated into “I will be back in two hundred fifty years, so be prepared”.

Two hundred thirty one years later I, Princess Katherine, was born. I’d rather be called Katie though, it fits me better. I’m not the stereotypical princess who sings, plays with animals or wears big, poofy, sparkly dresses, I’m more of a rebel. I still care about my kingdom but I don’t want to be a stuck up queen I want to be something, someone more than a glitzy glamorous queen who has to get everything she wants at that exact time, I want to be more independent. I want to m

Well today is my nineteenth birthday...the day I become queen. My mother bought me a perfect dress for this day. My mother, unlike others, understood me and she didn’t judge me like our subjects. She said she liked my personality, but I still have to be queen one day and I can’t act as reckless as I was. I was snapped back to reality as my assistant Laloni came in with my new dress. She handed me my dress and curtsied.

“You know you don’t have to curtsy at my presence, right?” I asked  looking at my new black and golden dress.

“Yeah you’ve told me multiple times, I just like to do it. Anyways I’ll be outside your door so when you’re finished changing I can do your hair, toodles!” she exclaimed while stepping out and closing the door.

I changed into my flowing dress and let Laloni in to do my hair. She put my hair in a perfect bun and put a golden flower behind my ear. I stood up from my cushioned chair and thanked her. She curtsied again and ran out the door. I chuckled and walked to the banquet hall to find foods galore, enough to feed the whole kingdom. I know I’m going to have fun.

An hour later the castle was filled with people and my mother was close beside me. She asked if I was ready and I said yes. Suddenly, one of our windows broke near me, every one of our torches in the castle went out, leaving the moon to barely provide us vision. I opened my eyes and saw everyone gone even my mother. The cold winds from the outside blew in causing a shiver to run up my spine. I heard an evil chuckle and all the windows broke along with the stained glass window of me and my family. I turned to the large opening
where the large stained glass window was and saw a shadowy figure with long and flowing black hair standing there with a shiny white menacing smile on her face. She stood there, staring at me. What did she want? I squinted my eyes to try and see if I could recognise her, she was slightly transparent. She wasn’t a subject of mine! She was a ghost!

“Hi there, You look alot like your great grandmother, ya know the one who executed me  instead of my sister.” her tune changed from happy to angry. Her body started to glitch around as she growled “The funny thing is she never told anyone, when I came into her room the night she killed me and told her to warn your passing generations about me.” her eyes glowed a faint purple.

“I’m sorry for what my grandmother did, but I had nothing to do with it, if there is something you’d like me to do for you I’ll do it.” I said politely trying not to anger her any more. She tapped her chin thinking of what to tell me.

“I want you to have a trial for whoever it is, no matter how terrible and get them a good defence” she said sort of sympathetic, a little warm hearted. “BUT! There’s a catch, I’ll come back in another 250 years and ask your great great granddaughter the same and see if she’ll take my offer. If she does not, I will destroy this kingdom along with her” she chuckled and held out her hand willing me to shake it. “Deal?’

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